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Mommy and the kids day out:
I drove to Disneyland because I decided that Kehlani needed a little happiness so what better place than the happiest place on Earth.
Ke: Mommy where are we going!
M: I'll give you a hint its the happiest place on earth!
M: Yes!
Ke: Yayyy!
M: I love you two very much!
I pulled into the parking garage getting my ticket than I went to find a parking spot so once I found one I parked my car and got out getting the stroller for Lucas. I opened the door unbuckling Lucas and carefully putting him into the stroller because he was sleeping as I put him into his carseat my phone started to ring.
M: Colten answer that.
Co: Its dad...
M: Never mind but I want you both holding the sides of the stroller don't let go unless I let you understand.
Tw: Yes mommy!
Colten and I got out of the car going on oppisite sides of the stroller holding on to it as mommy locked the car and began walking to the monorail since the line for the tram was long. As we got onto the monorail mommy's phone started to ring but she was busy with Colten so I went into her bag making sure to close it and answered it.

Call Thomas, Mia and Kehlani
None of your business Thomas we'll be home in a week good bye!
Ke: I'm sorry mommy...
M: No Kehlani don't aplogize for what happened today that was on him.
Ke: Okay mommy.
M: Now just have fun!
Ke: Yess!
We walked off the tram and got in line to scan our tickets I was kinda annoyed though because Thomas kept calling me and it has gotten annoying. As the kids and I walked into the park they got really excited so I took them to the castle to take some quick pictures.
M: Can we take pictures.
Ke: Okay mommy.
Co: Can I just take them I donmt want to be in pictures.
M: Of course buddy!
I posed in front of the castle with Kehlani and Lucas while Colten took pictures of us and man the kids were so happy I haven't seen them this happy since the last time we went to Disney. That was when they met Thomas but when they met him they were so happy until he cheated everything went downhill for our family the Petrou family isn't as perfect as the vlogs and social meadia see. I wish we weren't so famous maybe we would be happier not fighting but its the total oppisite I feel like were being watched every second of everyday. I took the kids to ride some rides as I waited at the exit with the stroller as our personal guide we see everytime we come to Disney take the kids in line. I decided to look through the pictures Colten took and honestly he is so good that I might buy him a polaroid so he can take pictures.


Liked by: Kouvr✔️ and 10 million moremiahayward I love you Kehlani Ivy Hayward Petrou no matter what I will always love you my mini me

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Liked by: Kouvr✔️ and 10 million more
miahayward I love you Kehlani Ivy Hayward Petrou no matter what I will always love you my mini me.❤️
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@Kouvr✔️ Awww I miss ya'll❤️
@Dixie D'Amelio✔️ So precious🥺
@Bryant✔️ Whoever took this picture is good😱
We countinued our day at Disney having so much fun and suprisingly no fans have bothered us which made me happy because Kehlani gets anxious when meeting fans but the day has come to an end as we finished the night watching fireworks as we walked to the car with the twins 2 balloons that I hope can fit in the car so yeah. I put Lucas into his carseat as he slowly fell asleep while the twins got in putting the balloons in the back with Colten but I noticed how tired they were so I put the stroller in the back and went into the car driving to the hotel.

Word count: 685

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