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Dinner and drama:
Colten and I had fun we went on a picnic date and went too the aquarium but now we are headed to Boa for dinner. As I was driving Thomas texted me something but I didn't check it because it isn't safe so when I got to Boa I valet the car holding Colten's hand before heading inside avoiding paparazzi but soon Thomas and Kehlani came in. I hugged them but Thomas pulled me into a kiss causing me to smile as I kissed back as I pulled away I was blushing as the waiter took us to our table. As we sat down Thomas across me as the twins the same way with Kehlani by Thomas and Colten next to me as they chatted away so I look over to Thomas to see him staring at me causing me to blush. As Thomas and I were talking my ex boyfriend Quin walked in with my ex best friend Lilly they dated each other while Quin and I dated years back when him and I broke up months before I met Thomas. They were seated at the table right next to ours so I avoided looking at them and texted the girls to come to boa with everyone ASAP just in case something happens.
Co: Dad why does mommy look stressed.
Ke: Yeah daddy she looks really stress.
T: Babe you okay?
M: Um yeah and the gang is coming for dinner is that okay with you?
T: Yeah but you sure your okay?
M: Um yes.
20 minutes later the gang showed up so I quickly got up grabbing the girls attention dragging them to the bathroom.
K: What's up you looked panic.
M: Kouvr do you remember Quin and Lilly.
Av: Who is that!
C: Yeah!
K: Quin is Mia's ex boyfriend and Lilly is Mia's ex best friend they dated while Quin and Mia dated.
D: Hey don't worry if they start anything we will have a recap of Kayla and Mia.
Ad: Hell yeah don't worry Mia we will have your back!
M: Thanks girls now lets get back.
We walked out of the bathroom heading to the table but Quin was staring at me so I sat by Kehlani while the girls and kids surrounded us while the guys sitting at a seperate table with Kade, Colten, Lucas, and Jet while it was just the girls at my table. As we were eating Quin and Lilly came up to me so I quickly exchanged looks with the girls.
Quin/Q: Hey there Mia.
Lilly/ Li: Mia how are you?
M: What do you guys need.
Q: Wanted to know how my ex girlfriend is?
M: I'm thriving without ya'll!
Li: Oh my god do you know Thomas Petrou he's hot as fuck!
Ke: Hey that's my dad who are you!
Li: Your future mom.
Ke: You wish daddy and mommy are engaged.
Li: Who is your mom I bet she is ugly!
M: Hi Lilly Mia Hayward future Mia Hayward Petrou.
Li: Lies you're probably saying it for clout!
K: Oh really Lilly.
Li: Kouvr shut the fuck up.
M: Girls cover the kids ears.
Tg: Okay!
M: Okay listen hear you bitch I don't give one fuck about what you say about me but if you talk shit about my kids or my friends you crossing the line so shut your big ass mouth shut!
Li: Mia shit the fuck you probably still get high and drink!
M: Sorry nope I only drink on occasion and I haven't gotten high in years. Also I don't go dating my best friends boyfriend while they are dating.
T: Hey baby girl you okay Alex said there might be something going on here?
M: I'm okay baby just dealing with some people you can go back.
Li: Oh my god you are Thomas Petrou!
T: I am and who are you?
Li: Lilly Mia's best friend!
M: Ex best friend and baby go back Lucas is crying.
Li: Who's Lucas.
Ke: My baby brother hi I am Kehlani Ivy Hayward Petrou younger twin to Colten Ace Hayward Petrou our youngest brother is Lucas James Hayward Petrou and our parents are Thomas and Mia Hayward Petrou.
Li: Wait you have siblings and you are a twin.
Co: Yes she is hi I'm Colten Ace Hayward Petrou this little boy I am holding is Lucas Mia Hayward's yougest son.
M: Kids behave don't start drama.
Tw: Okay mommy!
M: If you guys have nothing else to do than start drama please leave my family and I alone.
Q: Mia wanna go on a date?
T: No sorry hi I'm her fiance future husband and I nicely ask you guys to leave us alone.
Li: Leave Mia she is junky.
M: Bitch you did not!
I stood up facing her putting my hair up into a high ponytail giving the girls a stare so they all got up heading to the parking lot. Thomas gave me a concerned look but I knew I couldn't beat her up with the kids watching so I exchanged looks with Charli and Avani so they grabbed all the kids taking them to the car so I death stared Lilly and she threw the first punch hitting my lip. I punched her in the face causing her to stumble back so I kicked her in the stomach which made her fall but she got up kicking my gut. I punched her even harder in the face but before I can throw another punch I felt arms around my waist carrying me off the ground as Quin took Lilly away so I spit the blood out of my mouth as Thomas put me down.
T: Mia I don't need another recap of you and Kayla.
M: You just did so can we go home now I ain't in the mood anymore.
T: Okay.
Mia walked off with the girls so I guess they were riding in the tesla so put all the carseats in Mia's other car as the kids got in the car I looked up at Mia and the girls were high fiving her and praising her. We soon all started driving home but what worried me is Mia and her fighting but I know she only does it when people mess with her so I'm good.

Word Count: 1069

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