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The Truth:
Mia and I just left the movie to get ready for the date but Mia told me she had a feeling her and Thomas will end up arguing which made me feel bad because ever since Thomas cheated they haven't been the same loving couple they were years ago. I wish they didn't argue as much I miss them being couple goals I hate the arguing I know everyone does but my fear is it becoming physical and Mia getting hurt. I have stopped an argument that got so bad Thomas knocked over Mia's shoe rack so I had to take him out of the house for a bit. I was getting ready with Alex but I heard a knock at the door so I went and opened it to reveal Kehlani walking in.
K: Yes sweetheart?
Ke: Auntie Kouvr why does mommy and daddy fight?
K: Baby things happened in the past.
Ke: Is it true daddy didn't want us at first?
A: Who told you that Kehlani?!
Ke: I heard uncle Nick and auntie Avani talking about it before I came in here.
A: If you want the truth you have to ask your parents.
Ke: Can you guys tell me I was gonna ask but I heard daddy tell mommy something and now they might be arguing.
K: I will tell you the story but tell anyone you know this.
Ke: Okay.
A: Promise?
Ke: I promise.
K: Okay one day mommy and aunties were having a sleepover and mommy felt sick so she asked me if she had a pregnancy test but I didn't have one. Auntie Dixie did so mommy took the test and found out that she was pregnant so she told everyone about the news. We were all so happy but your daddy he got mad and left your mommy for 5 years until he came back into her life and also yours and Colten's but they have been fighting a lot because daddy cheated on mommy.
Ke: Is that why mommy took Colten and I to England?
A: Yes mommy just needed a break from everything.
Ke: I liked it better when it was just mommy, Colten, and I mommy was happier.
K: I know baby soon.
M: Hey Kouv and Alex you guys ready?
K: Yeah.
A: Yes.
M: What are you doing here sweetheart?
Ke: Just talking with Auntie Kouv and Uncle Alex.
M: What did you guys tell her.
K: Nothing.
I was getting ready with Thomas until he brang up that him and I should just take a trip with the twins just the 4 of us but it just started an argument because I felt bad about Lucas because he is still our son. I just finished getting ready as we argued so I just walked out of the room going to Alex and Kouvr's room but when I got inside I saw Kehlani and she seemed sad so I was gonna get to the bottom of this.
M: What did you guys tell her.
Ke: Mommy why didn't daddy want Colten and I when you found out you were pregnant.
M: You guys told her the shory.
Ke: I made them mommy its okay I won't tell Colten.
M: Okay baby but yes its true your daddy didn't want you guys in the beginning but he does now.
Ke: Mommy I miss it when it was just you, Colten, and I.
M: Why baby?
Ke: You were happier mommy.
M: Oh Kehlani its okay.
Ke: Mommy can you, Colten and I go on a date just the 3 of us?
M: Yes baby how about tomorrow?
Ke: Yayyyy!
I kissed her on the head and hugged her but I was worried that Kehlani might slip and say something but my thoughts were interrupted by Thomas coming into the room.
T: Ya'll ready?
A: Yeah.
T: Hey there sweetheart.
Ke: Bye mommy have fun I love you.
M: Bye sweetheart I love you too and you're incharge of your cousins and brothers.
Ke: Okay mommy.
T: Bye Kehlani.
Kehlani just hugged Mia and then walked past me out the door like she was ignoring me which is weird because Kehlani has always been a daddy's girl so I looked at Mia and she just sighed.
T: Is she mad at me?
M: No she's having an off day just let her be.
A: Lets go guys.
K: Yeah.
We all walked out of Kouvr's room downstairs but before I went into the car I went to Kehlani and whispered into her ear that she can't tell Thomas or Colten or anyone what she found out and she said okay mommy so I went into the car sitting in the back with Kouvr while Alex and Thomas sat in the front.

Word Count: 808

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