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Its our night tonight and family time:
Kouvr drove the girls and I's home but we stopped at target because Kouvr needed to grab something so she went in as the girls and I were sitting in the car on our phones until she came back. We headed home but what was weird as we pulled into the driveway was the bags being loaded into a car I didn't know we were going anywhere.
M: Where we going?
K: The gang besides you and Thomas are staying here.
M: What why?
D: He asked we don't know why so byeee!
I got out of the car saying bye to the kids as everyone drove off I went inside to see candles leading up to the room. I opened the door and I saw roses on the floor so I followed it to the bathroom to the bathtub to see it filled with bubbles and rose petals so I slipped my clothes off and threw my hair into a bun before getting in the tub. I saw a glass of wine so I drank some as I closed my eyes relaxing but soon I felt a kiss being placed on my head so opened my eyes to see Thomas in sweats shirtless causing me to bite my lip.
T: Like what you see?
M: Yes yes I do.
T: Relax and when you're done meet me in the movie room so we can watch a movie and cuddle.
M: Okay.
I sat in the tub for 10 more minutes before I washed off my body and changed into some spandex and Thomas's hoodie before going into the movie room. I opened the door to reveal Thomas laying on the couch on his phone with snacks next to him and my favorite movie on the screen so I crawled into his arms. He played the movie so I watched it while I ate some popcorn and chocolate covered starwberries. It felt so good that Thomas and I can spend time with one another without interuptions. We shared kisses, laughs, and food as we watched the movie and we also took pictures but I'm pretty sure I have hickeys from a makeout we had in the middle of the movie. We fell asleep on the couch in each others arms but I felt so relaxed and happy that I was able to spend time with him because I know how busy we'll be as we start preparing for the wedding. I woke up alone so I got up and walked out of the movie room upstairs to the kitchen to see Thomas making breakfast. I walked behind him wrapping my arms around him causing him to turn around and hug me back. I kissed him and he kissed back before I walked off to sit on a chair by the island and drank coffee as Thomas presented me with breakfast so I ate. We took a shower together before getting ready for a shopping date because everyone was coming back at 3 so I changed into some jeans and a white shirt with some vans. We got into the car and Thomas decided to drive so I went on my phone checking my socials until I felt a hand on my thigh causing me to smile. We spent 2-3 hours shopping buying matching things for us and the kids but right now we are on the way home I have missed my 3 kids a lot. I'm usually always with them but last night was worth it soon we parked the car and as I got out the front door opened to reveal my twins running towards me so I bent down as the tackled me. I hugged them tight as I got up they went to Thomas so I went inside to the living room to see Lucas on Charli's lap. I picked him up cuddling him but soon all the kids appeard playing with Jet so I placed Lucas down with them. We all decided to have a cook out with burgers and hot dogs to relax before everything becomes really busy. Kehlani and London were holding Jet and Lucas by the hands making them walk as Colten and Kade played with their nerf guns shooting their uncles. Everyone was doing their own things so I started on the salad as Thomas was on the grill but I heard Kade crying so Dixie and I ran over to him.
D: Baby what happened!
Ka: I fell and hit my head mommy.
Ad: I got this Mia go finish making dinner.
M: Okay.
Mia left and went back to making dinner but Kade went into my arms so I picked him up taking him to Dixie's and I's bathroom as Dixie followed me. I treated Kade's cut on his head but he was crying so I have him a lollipop and he soon calmed down so I put him down as he ran off back outside. I was about to follow him but Dixie grabbed one of my belt loops pulling me to face her causing me to blush and look down. She used her index finger to pick my chin up so she could stare at my face but I couldn't handle it anymore I kissed her and she kissed back. It got very heated very fast but before we could finish I pulled away and walked out of the room smirking because I knew I was teasing her. Once I came back to the girls they were all drinking white claws so I opened one and once I looked up they were all smirking at me but soon Dixie appeard hugging me from behind as I looked back at them their smirks grew.
Ad: Whatt!
K: Addi you know you should really cover your neck.
C: Yeah it looks like you were attacked.
M: Same for you Dixie your neck looks like Addi did some damage.
I looked down blushing hard as everyone laughed Dixie joined them as she placed a kiss on my head. We all ate dinner on the grass like a picnic before we all headed into the house locking the doors and cleaning up the kitchen and living room. I went upstairs to change Kade into his pjs before taking him to the kids room tucking him into his bunk and headed back into the room laying in bed. Dixie came out in her towel causing me to stare and bite my lip so I grabbed her hand and you know what happens next.

Word Count: 1102

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