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Auntie Kouvr said to go get mommy and daddy so we can eat so I ran into their room but I heard yelling so I just went back outside and sat down by Auntie Kouvr looking down.
K: Wheres your parents and whats wrong?
Ke: They were arguing and it seemed really bad so I just came back.
Av: Did you hear what they said?
Ke: Daddy said he regrets coming back and mommy said she regrets her decision on marrying him.
Ad: Oh wow thats a lot.
Co: Does dad not want us anymore?
Mi: No of course he does buddy.
A: Kehlani and Colten daddy and mommy are just saying words that they don't mean to say.
D: I hope so Alex.
R: Ay there coming so don't say anything.
E: Okay!
I finished braiding my hair so I went downstairs soon Thomas followed me so we went outside so we sat with the gang and we all started eating but the tension between Thomas and I was so bad no one talked only bits and peices of convos.
K: Why don't the girls and I go out to the bar for the night while you boys have a guys night after the kids go to bed.
T: Why don't we all go to the bar?
Av: Nope just the girls next time.
T: Okay so what time will you guys leave.
M: Its 8:45 right now so we can leave at 10 but one of us have to be sober to drive.
D: I'll be the sober one.
A: Okay what time will you guys be back?
M: Probably late so don't worry about it.
Tb: Okay.
We finished eating so the girls went to go get ready so the guys cleaned up while I took the kids to get ready for bed since its already late and they have school tomorrow. After I tucked in the kids I went into the nursery checking up on Jet and Lucas who were already changed so I knew one of the girls did it so I went into the room to see Mia curling her hair so I stood there admiring her beauty. She got up and looked at me even if we are arguing I can never stay mad at her so I walked up to her kissing her lips and she kisses back so we just stood there kissing for awhile until she pulled away.
T: I was enjoying that beautiful!
M: I'm leaving soon but how do I look?
T: Beautiful like always but please stay safe okay?
M: Yes I know Mr. Petrou.
T: Okay Mrs. Petrou.
I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room but before I met up with the girls I went and kissed the twins and Lucas good night then I went into the car with the girls. Dixie started to drive so I decided to post a video of the girls and I on my insta story singing our hearts out. Once we got to the bar we valet the car then went inside since we usually come here for girls night and we started drinking so I ordered tequila but I turned around because Kouvr called me so I grabbed my drink. I walked over to her drinking my drink but it tasted different so I went back to the bar table to sit down but everything was blurry and soon enough the stupid bartender roofied my drink.

I noticed that Mia was off so I watched her and I noticed the bartender looking at her while she was walking so I knew he did something to her drink so I walked up to Mia grabbing her hand bringing her by us. I decided it was best just to go home but pick up booze on the way back so I made the girls hold hands as we walked back to the car. I started to drive home but I decided to call one of the guys to get the booze because I can't leave the very drunk girls alone. Alex said he would do it and that Thomas would be waiting for us on the driveway so as I pulled into the driveway Thomas come out of the house. Him and the guys helped me bring the girls into the house but Mia was out so Thomas brang her upstairs but I told him she was roofied and he was pissed.

Word Count: 758

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