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Date night:
When Kouvr stole Mia from me to get ready I headed upstairs to check on the twins to see Colten in one of his suits and a tie which made me smile so I walked off to look for Kehlani. I soon found her in Charli's room getting ready with the girls so I went to my room and got ready by wearing a suit and a bow tie. Mia walked in wearing a blue dress that matched my suit but god she looked so stunning I couldn't keep my eyes off her.
Ke: Mommy why does daddy look like his eyes gonna pop out.
M: I don't know.
T: God Mia you are stunning!
M: Awww thanks baby.
T: Kehlani you look like a princess.
Ke: Thanks daddy.
Co: Hi mommy!
M: Hi baby oh my god you look so handsome!
Co: Thanks mommy you look pretty.
M: Aww such a gentleman like his daddy.
T: Of course now we will meet at Boa at 8:30.
M: Okay bye baby.
T: Bye beautiful.
Colten and I walked out of the room to my car since Thomas is taking the tesla I opened the door as Colten got into the car so I closed it and went to my side getting in. I drove too Olive Garden for lunch because its Coltens favorite place too eat so I played his favorite song.

Kehlani and I took the tesla too her favorite fast food which is Canes so as I was driving I thought about talking too her about what happened between Mia and I years ago. That day still haunts me because the pain in Mia's eyes as I walked away. Those 6 years I was away I was living with my parents but my mom was disappointed in me for running and I felt the same way about myself as I watched my first 2 kids grow up through videos and pictures posted by everyone. I got the Canes and drove too my secret spot I took Mia when we first started dating so I can talk too Kehlani. I parked the car in reverse so her and I can sit in the back of the car as we ate and talked.
K: Daddy can you tell me your side of the story?
T: Of course Lani.
K: Okay.
T: So mommy was having a sleepover with all your aunties but she was feeling sick a lot so she took a pregnancy test which later revealed that she was pregnant. She told everyone the news and they were all excited and happy until she told me. I was only 22 at the time so having a kid that early scared me so I left too go live with my parents leaving mommy alone. I regret ever leaving your mommy but also ever hurting her because mommy deserves happiness and love not pain and sadness. I'm sorry baby that I hurt you.
K: I forgive you daddy and for mommy you guys should have a movie night tonight. Show mommy how much you love her and she'll be happy.
T: Okay baby I love you.
K: I love you too daddy.
I hugged him and he hugged me back placing a kiss on my head which made me smile no matter what he will always be my dad.
We went to go watch a movie before heading off to dinner at Boa with Mia and Colten. Tonight its just gonna be Mia and I because ever since she got pregnant her and I haven't been the same and it sucks because I miss when we were happy so I'm gonna watch a movie with her while we cuddle. The wedding plans have started as I heard the girls talking this morning about themes and colors or whatever they need too do for the wedding but I'm scared her and I will fight and call the wedding off. I need to become a better husband and father to my family so from now on NO more drinking, cheating, or leaving that causes Mia pain and I ain't that guy not anymore so starting tonight I'm not going back to bad habits. I love this girl too much to lose her in anyways because without her my life would be incomplete like a puzzle missing a piece because that girl made me a better person she completes me in every way. I will forever be thankful for Mia she is the best thing that has and is happening too me she is the reason I feel happiness and want to fix myself so she can stay happy. God this girl has me simpping so I decided to post something to show that I appreciate her and that I love her.


Liked by: @Miahayward✔️ and otherspetroutv God this girl is the love of my life

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Liked by: @Miahayward✔️ and others
petroutv God this girl is the love of my life. I am a better person because of her she has helped me through a lot. I caused her a lot of pain by doing stupid things but I have always regretted those things because she doesn't deserve it. It suprises me that she hasn't left my side and I'm thankful for that so thank you baby. No matter what happens it will always be you and I against the world. I love you Mia Hayward soon too be Mia Hayward Petrou on April 4th, 2027.❤️😍🥺 @Miahayward
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@Miahayward✔️ Aww I love you too baby boy🥺❤️
@Dixie D'Amelio✔️ Simppp😂
@Alex Warren✔️ You are so whipped dude🥺😂
@K0uvr✔️ Awww how cute🥺


Liked by: @petroutv✔️ and othersMiahayward No words can describe how much I love this guy

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Liked by: @petroutv✔️ and others
Miahayward No words can describe how much I love this guy. He is the reason I am so happy because he taught me love when I didn't believe in it. I am a better person because of him and I don't know what I'll do without him annoying me everyday but also giving me his constant attention and love. He also gave me 3 beautiful children who I'm grateful for everyday as I get too watch as you spoil them with your constant love. I can't wait to be married too you Thomas. I love you so much baby. I am his and he is mine in the end its him and I.🥺❤️🥰 @petroutv  (ifykyk)
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@petroutv✔️ Aww baby girl I love you more than you even know🥺❤️
@Avani Gregg✔️ Mia is in love😂😍
@Patrick Huston✔️ Something tells me they will last a life time🥺😭

Word Count: 1088

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