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"How is this possible?" Cynthia asks walking to me and thankfully forgetting about Kai. 

"The people I care about have my back," I say with a cocky smile then teleport to her and punch her in the face. She looks surprised, but throws a punch right back. I heal and drop to sweep her legs from under her, classic. She falls on her back and I get on top of her and punch her over and over and over again until her face starts to bleed. She reaches her hand out and claws come out and that's when I realize what she's about to do. She sticks it in my side and pulls out a rib, I fall on my side and she gets up and comes back with a sword. 

"Guess this time I'll have to make sure you can't come back," she says aiming the sword for my neck. I think fast and use my powers to make her see black, she stumbles backwards and I stand up even though my wound hasn't fully healed yet. I walk over to her and make her see so she can look into my eyes as I drain every ounce of power from her body. I grab her by the head and before she can stop me, I start absorbing her powers by doing exactly what Dane told me to do, feel the energy in my body and use it to take hers. I can feel her weakening under my hands, eventually, she becomes so weak she falls to the ground on her knees. When there's nothing left to drain, I pull out the dagger Aurelia gave to me and bend down to Cynthia's level. 

"This is for my family," I say into her ear and then pierce her heart with the dagger. I let her go and she falls forward, her body turns into dust and the wind blows it away. I watch it for a moment and then remember that I might need to heal my friends, I whip around and see Kai standing there staring at me like I'm a ghost. "You told me to come back to you," he smiles, runs towards me and wraps his arms around. 

"No more death scares for the next century," he says while hugging me. 

"You say that as if it's a choice," I say laughing. 

"Leg broken, arm bruised, ribs, help," Rik moans and we both laugh. I rush towards him and he has no broken leg, maybe a few bruises, but I heal him anyway and help him up. 

"Drama queen," I say and then help Mel up. I walk over to Cassian and see he has an intense scratch on his back, what in the world did tha-

"Watch out!" Mel screams and I turn around and see this giant demon hurling towards me, but it stops, and starts moving backwards and then disappears, Tanith. 

"Thank the angels you're alive," she says smiling. I turn my focus back to Cassian and heal him because he needs it. When he opens his eyes and sees me, his face lights up, he stands and gives me a big hug. 

"Of course I'd do it for you," he says and I smile and let him go when I see Palmer lying on the ground with a bleeding nose. I heal her and she wakes up. 

"I totally knew you weren't dead," she says and I smile. 

"Sure you did," I say and wink sarcastically at her. 

"I'm fine by the way," Enzo says struggling to stand up and Tanith rushes to help him. 

"I knew you were okay," I say knowing that's a lie. 

"Sure you did," he says followed with a sarcastic wink, clearly mocking me. 

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that nothing went to plan?" Tanith says and we all laugh at the irony because we still won. 

"Can we please take a vacation now," Mel asks. 

"Agreed, let's get out of here," I say and wait for everyone to teleport out. 

When everyone is gone, I almost thought I see a person in the distance watching us, but I blink and it disappeared, my mind must be playing tricks on me. I brush it off and teleport home. 



"Here's to us not only being one hell of a team, but also, an even better family," Imelda toasts. "To us," and we all clink our glasses, even though mines filled with juice and it won't be long until these guys are drunk. 

"Alright can you two not make-out at the table please," Cassian says to Enzo and Tanith. 

"In my defense, I honestly never thought we'd make it to Christmas," Tanith says and we all laugh. 

"I hope you all left a receipt for the present you bought me," I say knowing they probably got me some Barbie doll nonsense. 

"It's funny that you thought we got presents," Enzo says and I swat his arm and laugh. 

"What time do you think she'll be back from the cemetery?" Kai asks referring to Avery, yes I said Avery. I don't know what changed but she told us to call her whatever we want to, as long as we understand that she isn't the same person she used to be, and I'm honestly okay withthat, I believe the person she is now, is the best version of herself she has ever been. 

"I don't know, soon I'm guessing, she's been out there for a while," Cassian responds. 


"Hey you guys. I know this is not my first Christmas away from you, it's my third, but I just wanted to stop by and fill you guys in. Well you know it's been one hell of a year, we broke down Salutis, Kai and them found out I was alive, we fought like crazy but it's all good now. If I'm being honest I'm here for you Dane, I came to have a drink with you because I did everything you needed me to do, it was such a rollercoaster but Cynthia Wilder is gone for good and I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help. And I've also never thanked you for picking me, for seeing something in me that I never saw in myself. You gave me a life I didn't even know I needed, and for that I am forever grateful," I pour champagne into a glass and raise it up to the five graves before me, "This is to our incredible family, I'll see you all on the other side."

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