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I want to start this by thanking KirstynReynolds  for giving me the story idea. I hope I do justice to the story you were envisioning. 🖤


Growing up it had always been Mike and Meg, Meg and Mike. Well I mean since she has been born, seeing as he's a little over a years older than she is. But when her dad split at the first mention of baby, uncle Daryl and aunt Karen brought her mum under their wing. So Michael is really more like her big brother than cousin.

For five years she followed him around like a puppy dog, he was her hero, best friend, and favorite person in the world. And he adored her the same way.

That was until he met Calum.

Calum convinced Michael that Meg was a nuisance. Once Calum came around Michael didn't have time for little Meg anymore. Calum was cooler than her, and all the time Mike used to spend with her was now being spent with him.

Megs favorite times of the year became those when Calum went to visit his family is Scotland, or New Zealand, when she would get Mike back to herself for a couple weeks. It would be like old times. They would watch movies and play games, laugh, attempt to bake, he would teach her how to play his guitar and she'd remind him how she was his biggest fan. How she couldn't wait to cheer him on when he made it big. He'd pull her into a headlock and mess up her hair, calling her crazy for thinking he could actually make it anywhere with music.

But then he and Calum became friends with Luke. Meg liked Luke more than Calum from day one. Luke didn't replace her, and he was nice enough when she was around. But Luke made the difference, once they became a three piece and gave themselves a name, they started getting attention.

They booked a gig, and Ashton walked into the picture. Meg knew Ashton, he went to the same school she had, though She only knew him by name, he was a few years older. He was the best of Mike's friend in her opinion, he tried to be friend with Meg, and he made her laugh a lot. The two got close enough that Mike got worried at one point that Meg liked Ashton more than just as a friend. Ashton and Meg had a good laugh at that one.

But then one day, London stole her best friend away, One Direction took Mike and his bandmates away from home, and then never came back; not for good at least.

Meg always knew Mike could make a name for himself in music, She just never imagined it would be such a big name, and she never thought Calum would be by his side for the whole journey.

Welcome to a new story!

This one is a little different from my usual, but I hope you love it. I am so excited to write it!!!

I will be posting chapter one today too! Just to get the ball rolling with this story!

Updates will be every other day alternating with my book Better Than Yesterday, the third of my IWCT series.

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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