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This is a double update cuz Michael's 25th birthday!!! Happy birthday to our favorite guitarist. 🤍 read 25 first!

Also, This book will contain sexual content going forward. Be warned, I will not preface any further chapters with the warning.

8 Weeks

Meg stirs the pasta sauce, taking a deep breath as she looks around the kitchen. Hopefully this was a good idea... She turns as small paws click across the floor, looking down to see Duke jumping at her calf.

"It smells good doesn't it? Do you think Cal's going to like it?" She asks the dog softly. Taking the small bark she gets in response as a yes. Calum was due home any minute, and he didn't know she would be here.

Clicking off the burner she adds the noodles to the Alfredo sauce, coating them with the cheesy goodness before loading two plates with the pasta, homemade garlic bread, and veggies.

"Roy? Are you cooking for me?" She bites her lip as Calum's voice sounds from the front room.

"Not Roy." Meg pokes her head around the wall, grinning at him.

"Annie!" He gasps, dropping his things haphazardly before hurrying across the room to take her in his arms. Lifting her slightly off the floor as her hands cup his cheeks, kissing him deeply a few times.

"I missed you so much, Megan." He hums, pecking her lips more softly a couple times before lowering her back to her feet.

"I made you dinner." She giggles, running her fingers down the back of his arms until she can slot them with his.

"Best girlfriend ever! I'm starving." Calum moans, leaning his head back dramatically as he lets her pull her towards the dining room.

"Girlfriend?" She cocks an eyebrow back at him.

"I decided you're mine exclusively. So I'm labeling it." He shrugs, spinning her back into his chest, "You're just going to have to deal."

"Romantic." She laughs, kissing his lips again, "I think I can deal."

"Seriously, Annie, what did you make for dinner, it smells so good."

"Alfredo, garlic bread, and veggies. Plus I have dessert for later."

"You really do know the way to my heart." He chuckles, pulling her quickly into the dining room.

"Happy late Valentine's Day." She grins, motioning for him to sit.

"Thank you, Annie." He stops her, pulling her down for another kiss before letting her take her seat across from him.


"Alright, we can clean up the kitchen later." Calum wraps his arms around her waist as she rinses their plates in the sink.

"Did you have something else in mind?" She chuckles, turning her head to look up at him.

"I think I owe you some cuddles." He shrugs, kissing the very tip of her nose softly.

"The dishes will be harder to clean if we wait."

"Worth it. Come on." He reaches over her to turn off the water before dragging Meg away from the sink.

"Your bedroom?" She cocks an eyebrow as he pulls her down the hall.

"I killed my back falling asleep on the couch last time we did. My beds a lot more comfortable." He shrugs off her comment, shutting his bedroom door behind them.

"Okay, old man. You and your bad back." She teases, patting his chest.

"You wanna call me an old man again?"

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