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"Megan, what are you up to today?" Meg hears yelled through the house as she finishes dressing, unsure of the answer. Maybe she'll hang out with her friends? Maybe she will read a book, sew something else for her portfolio... the possibilities are endless. Summer has a few more weeks, everyone's lives in the weird lull between Christmas and New Years. The only thing Meg has to worry about right now is an email about an internship with a design studio in Melbourne that she had applied for for the next year.

Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear she bounces down the stairs softly, finding her mum sitting at the counter with a coffee and her phone in hand. "I don't know, maybe I'll call Daphne and see what her plan for today is? I'm hoping to hear back from Melbourne in the next few days so I know what my plan is since I'd need to confirm my housing and such sooner rather than later."

"What about the apprenticeship in LA? Have you heard back from that one?"

"Mum, I'm never going to get it. Why would Hillary Wilton pick a twenty-two year old nobody girl from Western Sydney. It was fun to apply but I'm not holding my breath for that one." Meg smiles sadly at the thought as she pours herself a mug of coffee.

"You have the same chance as anyone else, Megan Grace. The application was international for a reason. You've graduated with a degree in fashion design, and you are brilliant with that sewing machine of yours. Have you mentioned to Mike that you could be headed out his way in a few short days or weeks? He would be excited."

"That's why I haven't told him, mum. I don't want to see him disappointed when I am not moving to LA. Plus, do I really want to go to LA? Calum is in LA remember?"

"Considering Calum is part of Mike's band, and has been for many many years now, I did know that." Her mum laughs, "He's a nice boy, Meg, I don't get why you have such a struggle with him. Why you always have."

"He's rude, and arrogant, and likes to make fun of me. Calls me young and baby and naïve. He's not as nice as everyone seems to think." Meg sighs.

"Well I bet when the offer comes from LA you will be ecstatic, and you will go to do the job and be around Mike and Crystal, because I know you miss them. You're just saying you don't want to go because of Calum to cover your fears of not getting it."

"I think I'll call Daphne. Have fun at work today, mum." Meg rolls her eyes, finding her best friends contact as she heads out of the room.

"It is summer and the week between Christmas and New Years, why are you calling me at eight in the morning?" Daphne's voice is heavy with sleep as she answers.

"You could have ignored me." Meg laughs, "I want to do something today. I'm bored and anxious to hear back about my options for work over the next year. If I drive, and buy you food, would you want to hit up the beach or something with me today."

"No beaches this week, Meggy. It's the week between Christmas and New Years."

"Okay good point. What if I pick you up at noon and we do lunch down town?"

"Then I can sleep for a couple more hours. I like this plan, I'll see you at noon." Daphne lets out a loud yawn as she agrees.

"I"ll see you in a couple hours." Meg laughs.


Retreating back into the quiet of her bedroom, Meg pulls out a dress design she had been working on for a few weeks, laying it out across her floor. Sliding the box of supplies from under her bed she starts to pin the waist as her music plays through the bluetooth speakers, letting her work distract her for the next couple hours before her plans.

Lost in her work, she is startled out of a trance as her phone pings beside her. Assuming she lost track of time and it's Daphne begging for food she sets aside the scissors and grabs it. Surprised to see she is still early for the lunch date, and the notification is for an email. Her breath catches in her throat as she realizes who the email is from, fumbling shakily she unlocks and opens the email, almost afraid it is too good to be true.

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