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12 weeks

Meg looks up as there is a knock at her bedroom door, Calum standing in the frame with a soft smile on his face. "You ready, Annie girl?" He asks as her eyes meet his.

"You're sure? I'm not imposing am I?" She bites her lip, standing to face him fully.

"I'm excited, babe, I get to live with you for however long this shit goes on? Fuck ya." He laughs, "I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't okay with it. Roy is cool too. He says I'll pull my weight with cleaning better if you're around."

"You better be clean, Calum." She says sternly.

"I will be." He chuckles, stepping into the room and glancing at the couple suitcases and her sewing machine packed away. "This is all ready to go?"

"Ya, I can drag one out." She reaches for the bag only to have Calum's hand stop hers.

"You are not lifting a finger. I got it." He smiles, pushing her hand back towards herself.

"I'm not helpless." She rolls her eyes at him.

"I know, but you are pregnant and I don't want you to hurt yourself." He retorts, pulling both cases easily with him as he heads for the door.

Double checking the room for her belongings she grabs the dog Calum had won her and her purse ready to leave the crowded house for the quiet one Calum and Roy are letting her join.

"You headed out of here?" Crystal appears in the doorway.

"Ya, Cal's loading my bags right now." Meg smiles, wandering over to wrap her arms around Crystal.

"I know we are supposed to stay at home away from everyone else, but I want to see you still, Meg. And I must have updates on the baby situation okay? Call me for anything you need."

"I will be taking you up on that. Daily facetimes for sure." Meg laughs.

"Good. Let me grab your sewing machine and walk you out to the car."

"I want to say bye to Mike quick. He would never forgive me if I didn't."

"I'll meet you out there then." Crystal nods, hugging Meg tightly again.

Wandering to the living room Megan catches Michael's eye who stands from his place with his friends to wander towards her.

"Be safe. Call me. Don't get pregnant again." He chuckles softly, pulling her into his chest tightly.

"I don't think that's possible." She laughs, "And of course I will call you, and I will be safe. I love you, Mike. Thanks for understanding why I need to do this, and for suggesting it."

"I just want you safe, kid. Safe and happy."

"I love you." She sighs, tightening her arms around him for a long moment.

"I love you too, Meg. I'll see you as soon as we can."

"Definitely." She smiles as he kisses her head.

"Keep me updated on info for the baby and adoption too." He adds as he lets go.

"I will." She nods, turning to head for the door, stepping out into the warmth of the LA sun.

"Ready?" Calum asks as he closes the back of his fancy Range Rover, smiling at Meg as she comes out of the house.

"Yeah." She nods, hugging Crystal tightly one more time before climbing into Calum's car.

"You seem upset." Calum comments as they pull onto the road.

"I'm not upset, I'm going to miss living with Mike and Crystal, especially since Mike and I finally figured shit out again. But I'm not upset to be leaving such a high energy overfull house. And I am definitely not upset to be staying with you for the foreseeable future." She rolls her head to smile at him, reaching over to tickle her fingers along his forearm. "Plus, I'm tired as fuck, pregnancy is no joke and I need a nap or something after packing everything."

"I think we can arrange that." He laughs, "I was also thinking, we have a three bedroom house, and no one will be using the guest room for a while, so we could push the bed into the corner and put a table in there for you to use as your sewing room if you want."

"I'm already invading your house and now you are offering me a whole room for my sewing?" She laughs fondly at him.

"Well, I mean you are the guest and it is the guest room, but I was kind of planning on you sharing my room with me, so the guest room can be used for you to create. Roy and I have the studio space in the basement and since you have no job right now, I thought maybe it would be a good way for you to have your own space to create something amazing. Use this time to push your own work out and create something to show to someone or create a whole line and brand, or whatever you want." Calum glances over at her.

"I love the idea. Thank you, Calum." She sighs, "I don't know exactly how much I will be doing but I do like the idea of having a designated space to work and get out of my head when I get overwhelmed."

"It's your space, Annie. Use it how you feel the need."

"I kind of like the idea of working on my own stuff though. At least some mock ups. So I'm ready when things go back to normal, I can have new things for my portfolio."

"I think it would be good for you too, and help you to focus on something other than just the baby and the lockdown."

"Thank you, Calum."

"Anything for you, Annie." He smiles, pulling into his garage. Roy opening the door as soon as they are parked, wandering out and grabbing one of Megan's suitcases without comment.

"Thanks, Roy." She smiles kindly as she holds the door open for him.

"No worries, Meg, we are excited to have you here with us." He grins at her.

"If I become a burden please kick me out." She laughs.

"You cook better than the two of us combined. I think we are going to keep you around." Calum laughs, "Plus we want you here."

"Calum is right." Roy assures her as he helps drag her things into the master bedroom.

"I cleared out the right side of the closet for your things. If you need more space you can use the guest room closet." Calum informs her as he leaves her case behind and heads back to the car, assumedly to get her sewing machine. Meg stares after him shocked, she had not intended for him to change everything about his room to accommodate her.

"Don't fight him on it. He is way more excited to have you here than you could ever know." Roy laughs at her facial expression. "It's sweet actually. I haven't seen him this excited about something in a long long time, and never about a girl."

"I just don't know how to repay him for his kindness." She mumbles.

"There's nothing to repay me for, Annie. Get unpacked though, we are gonna watch a movie and eat pizza." Calum grins at her through the doorway before moving past it to put her sewing machine in the guest room.

"You heard the man. I'm ordering pizza." Roy chuckles, leaving her alone in the room.

Sitting herself on the edge of Calum's bed she blows a stream of air between her lips as she looks around, suddenly worried her concerns about the fans might be slightly true. Is Calum more invested than she is? Is she going to break his heart eventually, even if her heart is saying the opposite of her head right now? Maybe she's just being paranoid because she hates to feel like a burden..? And the fans..? Does she actually love Calum like she was starting to believe? Or is it all circumstantial...

Meg officially moved in with Calum and Roy for quarantine. How does that go?

What about Megs thoughts?

This is an extra update cuz I finished writing this book! 36 chapters plus epilogue! I'll update again tonight after work.

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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