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13 Weeks

"Meg." Calum turns to her as she flips the lock on his bedroom door.

"Megan." He repeats, holding her away from him slightly as she goes to wrap her arms around his neck.

"I'm not afraid of you, Calum. I want this." She meets his eyes.

"We don't have to have sex just because we said I love you. Your pace, baby, if you're not ready you're not. You've been through a lot." He sighs, pretty sure he deserves a fucking award for how patient he is while her beautiful eyes are looking at him like that.

"Calum, listen to me," She runs a hand over his jaw until she's cupped his cheek. "I want this. I want to take this step, it may not be perfect, but I'm ready to take this step, I'm ready to be vulnerable like this with you. I love you, Calum, and I trust you."

"I promise, Meg, you say one word and I'll stop." He nods, pulling her forward hips colliding softly as he dips to meet her lips with his own. Concentrating on pacing himself as he leads her carefully to the bed, it had been weeks, over a month since they'd first shared an intimate moment, and a few had followed, but the idea of getting to meet her in the most intimate of acts finally has the teenage boy in him reveling to take charge.

"Cal," He pulls from his thoughts as she whispers his name, meeting her eyes, relaxed and calm looking still.

"Annie?" He asks back, pecking her lips softly.

"I want this, but please, take it slow."

"I'm going to take perfect care of you, love. I promise. Just let me know what you want."

"I want you, Calum."

"I'm yours." He mumbles against her lips before recapturing them, his hands rubbing over her sides as the tension and kiss slowly heat up. Megan seeming to take his pace as too slow as she fists the back of his t-shirt, pulling it towards his head. Understanding her desire he breaks the kiss to yank it off, tossing it away as her nails rake gently over his back.

"I said take it slow, I didn't say never get there." She whines as his lips find her jaw, working down her neck.

"Needy needy girl." He chuckles, pulling at the skin over her weak spot teasing it between his teeth as her breathing grows shallow. Once satisfied with the mark he's left he gently eases his hand below her back, unclipping her bra and pulling it from her body, the room seeming to heat up exponentially as he begins to work his tongue across her chest and torso.

He isn't worried yet, this they'd done, in this he had learned some of what she enjoyed and knew she was comfortable. Her sweats are pulled away easily by his hands as he kisses across her lower stomach, the slight protrusion he could see there almost distracting, a constant reminder of what she was dealing with and the hell she had gone through only a few months prior. Carefully removing her underwear he lifts off her, finding her eyes as she opens them.

"Why did you stop?" She asks, chest heaving slightly.

"You're good?" He asks softly.

"I'd be better if you'd touch me." She nearly whines.

"One word and I'll be done." He nods, kissing her lips again before trailing a straight line down the middle of her torso until he reaches her core. Easing her legs apart he kisses up each thigh, decorating her inner legs with his touch as he slowly works closer to her center.

"I love you, Annie." He hums into her skin. "One Finger." He comments, making eye contact with her as he drags his finger through her folds, not expecting her to be nervous about that part, it had happened before, multiple times, it had been their first intimate moment. Working over her wet heat with his fingers for a few moments, reveling in the noises she is trying to suppress.

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