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"Hey, how was another day at the office?" Michael asks as Meg climbs into the passenger seat of his car.

"Good. I met Hillary finally, she is more exuberant than anyone I think I've ever met, and I'm best friends with Ashton." she laughs, "But I think she liked me and I am excited to get to learn from her. She is such an inspiration and an amazing seamstress. My very own Eleanor Waldorf to learn from."

"Except costumes instead of a whole fashion brand of her own." Michael laughs.

"Minor details, Mike. Minor details." She laughs, "Besides someday I want to be my own Eleanor Waldorf with my own fashion brand that people want to buy."

"You'll get there, Meg, one step at a time."

"And Hillary will be a huge, huge contact and asset to that plan even if she is the costume queen of Hollywood not the fashion queen on the runways of New York."

"I know. I am very proud of you for making it this far in your career, Meg, for not giving up when things got hard or people told you you would never make a career out of sewing."

"I had a good role model to look up to." She grins over at him.

"Me?" He laughs, "Please, Meg, I looked up to you from day one. You were the one who taught me to believe in my dreams no matter what and make them happen."

"We did it together, lets leave it at that." She laughs, pulling out her phone as it starts to ring, glad Crystal had been able to help her get a new one the day before.

"Hey, mum!" she grins as her mum's face appears on the screen.

"Hi, baby girl, it feels like ages since I talked with you."

"Hi, auntie Dorothy!" Michael yells.

"Hello, Hello, Michael! How are my two favorite young adults doing? How's LA and your new job, Meg?"

"It's been great so far, Michael and Crystal have been the best hosts and roommates, and work is really fun. I really love being in that environment with so many other seamstresses and working on costumes and such. I love getting up to go to work everyday."

"As you should. Work should be fun at least most of the time."

"I agree." Michael grins over at Meg, "And I love that her job makes her happy and brought her to LA with me, because having my Meg around everyday again makes me happy."

"I miss having Meg around, but if she is going to be with anyone but me I'm glad it's you, Michael."

"I've got her well taken care of, Dorothy, don't worry about that." Michael laughs.

"Good. And you are being social? Making friends at work and being friends with Michael and Crystal's friends?"

"Mum, stop." Meg laughs, "I am making friends."

"She was nice to everyone but Calum when we had a little party at our new place." Mike adds.

"Well if she were nice to Calum the world might stop turning." Her mum laughs.

"I wish she would stop being so rude to him though. Can't you just be civil, Meg? He's my best mate."

"I can, but I haven't." She shrugs.

"I like Calum, he's a nice boy, Meg. You should be nicer to him."

"Good luck convincing her of any of that, auntie Dorothy. The distance they've had from each other does not seem to be helping their relationship with each other in any way shape or form. They were at each others throats the other night over a White Claw."

"I taught you better than that, Megan Grace."

"I'm nice to everyone else... Just not Calum." Meg grumbles.

"That is your loss because that boy is one of the sweetest I've ever met and I wish you saw him that way too."

"Can we stop talking about how you and auntie Karen have both been in love with Calum for like eighteen years. I know you all wanted us to grow out of our distaste for each other but by this point I think you all need to just let it be."

"Fine, fine. Your boss likes you though?" her mum asks with an eye roll.

"I think she does. I only met her today finally, she was on a business trip. But I was confident and upbeat, tried to hide the nerves and give my input where I felt it was wanted or allowed."

"Good. Make a good impression on her, Meg, this is such a huge opportunity for you."

"I know. I will not be taking it for granted. I'm just lucky to have family who already made a life here in LA so I'm not alone in this adventure."

"Happy to have you and happy to be your family." Michael chuckles.

"I just wanted to call quickly while I was on my lunch since I hadn't been able to yet. I'm so glad you are enjoying LA, Megan. And I'm so glad you have Michael there to watch out for you."

"We are happy to have her. She is safe with me, auntie Dorothy. Don't you worry one bit." Michael calls out.

"Thank you. Alright, I love you, Meg."

"I love you too, mum, have a good day at work." Meg grins before the call ends from her mums side.

"So..." Michael suddenly sounds nervous as he starts talking.

"So what?"

"So Crystal and I decided sort of last minute that we want to fly out to Georgia and see her family before we get crazy busy with the year, before we are doing promo and touring and all of that."

"You're leaving me in LA alone the second week I'm here?" She laughs.

"Ashton said he would be around if you need anything. Or Cal if you're desperate. It's only for a week."

"It's fine, Mike, I promise. I have made some friends at work and I'm getting more comfortable here. You guys should go see the family before life gets crazy busy again."

"You're sure? I feel kind of bad."

"Don't feel bad. If it gets hard enough I'll make Ashton use his guest room for a few nights and stay at his place."

"Good plan. We will be home before you know it, Meg."

"When are you leaving?"

"Um... tomorrow. We'll be back next Friday."

"That's not bad. Enjoy it and don't worry about little old me." Meg smiles, "And I mean that. I've got Ashton, and work, and my sewing machine."

"All you really need, isn't it?"

"I mean, long term I need you. And a significant other would be nice. But for a week, Ashton, work, and my sewing machine will be plenty."

"Alright sassy pants." He laughs, "But seriously thank you for not being mad at us for wanting to go for a week."

"Never. You guys deserve it."

Michael and Crystal are ditching town.

What happens while they are gone??

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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