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12 weeks

CALM STAN So do we think there is actually something between Calum and Megan? I want an answer and I want it now.

Catie Claims Best Years I feel like Calum and Meg would be a terrible match. There is no way they are together. I bet they were told to stir up drama before CALM drops in a couple weeks. Now that LA is under stay at home orders I bet they never interact.

Malum Madness I am all for it honestly. Meg and Cal have always seemed to have a tension with each other to me. I bet they would be great together, but I hope Michael is handling it alright.

Southy's biggest fan I'm scared if there is anything between Meg and Cal it's because he is the only familiar face that's single in LA. I worry it's circumstantial not genuine. I don't want to see either of them hurt or Michael hurt because of it.


Meg sighs, closing out of Twitter, she knows she shouldn't be worrying about what people are saying online, but after Ryan posted some video of the little party they'd had it was hard to look away. There had been a couple seconds where you could see Meg sitting on Calum's shoulders while in the pool, and fans had gone nuts over the blip of content; much more so than the rest of the video. Another hint that there was something going on between them that they had yet to confirm or deny to the fans.

The biggest issue she is having though is trying to figure out how much of what they are saying is true... Is it circumstantial? Do her feelings for Calum have an expiration date? Will she fall out of her feelings for him as she moves away from her assault? She didn't feel this way for him before it happened, not even in the slightest...

Startling slightly, Meg frowns as her phone vibrates against her chest where it had been laid. Lifting it to see Hillary's contact on the screen.

"Hello?" She answers, running her hand through her hair as she looks at the ceiling, already afraid of what this call might include.

"Megan, do you have a minute to talk?"

"Of course."

"I have bad news, but I want to make sure we are discussing this fully." Hillary sounds slightly nervous, "With California going under lockdown all movie sets, studios, and film lots have been shut down, no one is filming anything right now. With their shut down, it has brought our production to a screeching halt."

"You have to let me go." Meg nods, swallowing heavily, she was pretty sure this was coming.

"I don't want to do this, Megan, I have greatly enjoyed working with you over the last two months. I am hopeful that following this shut down I will be able to bring you back on with my team. You have talent, and a lot of it. I hope you know I truly believe that, and if you ever need anything please do reach out. I would love to write you a recommendation or anything to help you meet people or make a name for yourself in this industry. I am so sorry to have to do this, Megan, I hope someday to watch you take on the fashion world, you deserve a place in it."

"Thank you, Hillary, I understand it isn't personal."

"I hope you and yours stay safe through this unpredictable time, Megan."

"You too, Hillary. I very much enjoyed working with you and learning what I have from you over the last few months. I will carry your advice with me for the rest of my life and my career."

"You made a very good impression, Megan, I cannot reiterate that enough. You have proven yourself to me. And I wish you all the luck in your career."

"Thanks." Meg sighs, dropping the phone as the call disconnects.

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