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Updates are happening often rn. Make sure you read 34 first!

⚠️ TW// high⚠️
(blood, sensitive subjects)

17 weeks

Calum yawns as he blinks the sleep from his eyes, glad to see Meg sleeping peacefully beside him. Her back had been hurting her a lot over the last week or so and it was worrying him a little bit. She assured him it was just her body growing to accommodate the baby, but he didn't hate it any less each time he saw her wince or breath sharply at the pain.

Carefully retracting his arm from below her neck he rolls softly to his back, frowning as the unsettling feeling of being both wet and sticky on his bare stomach. Throwing the covers down the bed his eyes go wide as he sees red against his skin, his eyes moving to Megan's back, her entire backside and his sweats she's gone to bed in soaked in the liquid he is beginning to smell.

"FUCK!" He yells out, shaking her arm gently.

"Annie! ANNIE! MEGAN!" He sees her eyes rolls slightly.

"I'm tired." She mumbles.

"Fuck!" He hisses again.

"Cal? Is everything okay?" Roy's voice comes from outside the bedroom door along with a knock.

"Call Mike! Tell him to meet us at the hospital! Now!" Calum yells back. Racing into the bathroom and grabbing a rag, cleaning himself off haphazardly before tossing his briefs into the trash and racing into the closet for new clothes.

"CAL!" Roy walks into the room as he pulls a hoodie over his head.

"Call Mike! And get a shirt on." Calum yells again.

"What is going on?"

"I think she lost the baby." His eyes fall to Meg, her skin milky and pale as she lays against the dark duvet. The dark stain around her hips obvious even on the charcoal gray material.

"Shit." Roy nods, hurrying out of the room with his phone out finally.

Wrapping the ruined sheet around Meg he carefully lifts her into his arms, moving with purpose towards the garage. Grateful when Roy is waiting with the door open for him. Still on the phone with Michael as he motions for Calum to get into his car. Cradling Meg against his chest in the back seat as Roy pulls away from the house quickly, Calum's focus is fully on the girl in his arms and not the conversation happening between Roy Michael.

"Cal." Roy calls, and by the time Calum knows it isn't the first time he's tried to get his attention.

"Ya." He shakes himself looking up to meet the older mans eyes in the rear view mirror.

"Crystal is waking up Michael. They'll meet you at the emergency room. I'm not going to come in. It's too many people. Is she okay though? It was a lot of blood."

"She responded to me. Said she was tired. So I hope so." He whispers, turning his attention back to Meg.

"I told Crystal you guys were worried about some bleeding. I didn't tell her how much, or that Meg isn't conscious.

"Probably good for them driving." Calum nods.

"Keep me updated please." Roy adds before the car goes deathly silent.

Calum has a hand ready to fling the door open as Roy pulls through the drop off lane at the hospital. "Leave the sheet. I'll clean it up, along with the house. She doesn't need to come home to that. And she needs you."


"Don't fight, Cal. Just make sure she's okay." Roy shakes his head, hitting the break as he reaches the doors.

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