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SuperBloom is so fucking good! So you're getting a late night update of this one too, and one in the morning. Love you all, and Ashton! Stream SuperBloom!!!

Meg is touching up her makeup as she hears the beeping noise that accompanied the alarm system, alerting her that someone has opened and exterior door to the house.

"Hello?" She yells out as she wanders down the hall towards the main part of the house.

"Damn, Annie, no need to dress up just for me. You're the one who said you'd never touch this, don't try to change that now." Calum smirks at her as he comes out of Michael's gaming room.

"Don't call me Annie. I'm not dressed up for you, I would never ever dress up for you, and what the fuck are you doing here? Michael and Crystal are in Georgia." She rolls her eyes at him.

"Are you going out tonight, little Annie? You got a hot date?" He smirks, leaning against the wall in a way that blocks her from continuing past him down the hallway.

"Not that it's your business, Calum, but no I don't have a date. Cindy and Arabella, two girls from work, invited me to come out to a club with them tonight for drinks and dancing. So I'm going out, with my friends." She spits.

"You've been here barely a week, Megan. Are you sure it's safe to go out with these girls? You barley know them." His tone changes slightly as he asks.

"Now you're going to try and parent me, Calum? I'm twenty-two years old, I can go out with new friends and take care of myself." She huffs.

"Hey!" He puts his hands up defensively, "I'm not trying to parent, but if Michael knew I was here he'd want it said, he would be saying it if he was home. I'm being a good friend to him is all. You do what you want. But that dress is going to get you attention, so keep your wits about you."

"Because you actually care what happens to me?" She scoffs.

"You hate me not the other way around, Annie."

"Oh ya, because you're real good at showing your love to me." She chuckles humorlessly.

"Hard to love someone who shits on you constantly. But that doesn't mean I hate you. Be safe tonight, Megan. Where are you girls going anyway?"

"Some club in Hollywood. Sayers or something like that. You going to come parent me there too? Should I start calling you dad now? Or would you prefer Papa?"

"Actually I tend to prefer daddy but we've discussed how you feel about that." He smirks.

Her jaw drops as she comprehends what he is saying, "Eww. Eww. Eww. I did not need to know that. Gross. Get out of my house." She groans, "I need to bleach my brain now."

"I came over here for a reason and it wasn't to talk to you. I'm not leaving yet. Have fun tonight. Hope you think of me when you kiss a random guy, that way you won't go home with him." Calum chuckles, highly amused by himself as he disappears back into Michael's gaming room.

"Eww." Meg shivers as she turns on her heels heading back to her own room to finish getting ready.


"Get it?" Roy grins as Calum steps back through the door into their shared home.

"Ya. But I was thinking I might go out tonight instead... you can come." He chuckles, tossing the game onto to the couch beside Roy.

"I really do not want to do that and then have to make my flight in the morning. But you have fun." Roy laughs, "What changed your mind?"

"Megan's going out with some friends from work tonight, and I don't know, I feel uneasy about it. She's only worked there for a week she doesn't know them. What if they end up being mean girls or letting their other friend roofie her or something."

"You ever going to grow up and stop acting like a school boy about this crush you've had on her for years?" Roy laughs, climbing off the sofa to follow Calum down the hall.

"I don't have a crush on Meg." His tone is hostile though, Calum's known for years he could definitely fall for the quirky blonde, that if she wasn't as good as a sister to Michael he probably already would have.

"You tease her, have a nickname you use that she hates, and somehow manage to make a sexual comment in every conversation turned argument the two of you have. You act like an eight year old in love with the pretty girl, Calum. But maybe that's because since you were eight you've been in love with that pretty girl." Roy crosses his arms, his face set in a way that clearly states he's challenging Calum to deny it.

"I've known her since I was six,Roy. That's eighteen years. There's no way something will happen now. She doesn't want it, and neither do I. But I do want to make sure she's safe tonight because Michael is in Georgia and if anything happened to her while he's away and I could prevent it, I will feel like the worst friend. Are you coming with me or not?"

"Not." Roy rolls his eyes, amused by Calum's annoyance of the conversation, "she's an adult, Calum, she'll take care of herself just fine. You just want the excuse to go to the club and see her in that setting."

"I'm doing this to keep her safe. Nothing else. No other motives. No secret love harbored deep in my heart for her. I'm being a good friend to Michael and watching out for her. End of story."

"You tell yourself that man." Roy shrugs, turning to wander back towards the living room.

Closing his bedroom door Calum wanders to the shower, trying to decide what he should wear tonight. He has to look the part if he's showing up.

After showering he pulls down some warn black jeans and his leather jacket, layering it over a white shirt. Doc Martins and chains on his wrist and around his neck to accent the look. Spritzing on a little too much cologne so it's noticeable to those around him in the club before sitting back on his bed for a few minutes. He can't beat her there, she'll catch on right away. He has to wait until he's sure she's there and had a drink or two.

Opening Instagram as he waits to leave he is surprised to see Meg's account at the top of his feed. He has followed her for years, since before the band left Sydney, and she never stopped following him despite her constant assurance that she actually hates him, so he never stopped either.

Scrolling down to see what she posted he smirks at the caption under a photo of the dress she was wearing when he ran into her at the house today.


Liked by CrystalLeigh, AshtonIrwin, and 32,840 others

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Liked by CrystalLeigh, AshtonIrwin, and 32,840 others.
MeganC: apparently this dress is going to get me all the wrong attention tonight. 🥂

Calum is crashing her girls night, how pissed is Meg going to be?

Is Calum right to be worried something will happen to her with her new work friends?

I wasn't predictions!!

Vote and comment! I love hearing from you guys!!

I love you all!!!

~M =)

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