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⚠️ TW//medium⚠️
(Discussion of SA)

"Everyone's still here." Meg comments as they pull back into the driveway.

"No, just the band. There are far less vehicles than when we left." Calum smiles encouragingly at her as he removed the keys from the ignition.

"I'm scared."

"I'll be there to control the attack if questions. But they deserve an explanation for everything they've been suspicious of. Come on, I've got you covered, Meg."

"Ya." She lets out a long breath, grabbing her ice cream garbage as she climbs from the safety of his car.

"They are going to be pissed, but not at you. Remember that when they start losing their shit." He coaches as he pulls the front door open for her.

"Fucking finally!" Michael turns from where it appears he was pacing. Everyone else scattered around the furniture looking up too.

"You took her for ice cream?" Ashton cocks an eyebrow at Calum. "You punch a guy into unconsciousness out of nowhere at your own birthday party, and the girl who claims to hate you is sobbing in your arms as you comfort her. Then if that's not weird enough you call a social worker who knows you both by name and you're asked to give statements on a case already open with the police apparently. Yet you still decided ice cream was more important that filling us in on what the fuck happened while Michael and Crystal were in Georgia a few weeks ago?" He continues as Meg wanders into the kitchen to throw away the trash, also to stall.

"Are you guys like, fucking? Are you so afraid of me being weird about you being together that you're hiding it from everyone?" Michael asks with an air of pain in his voice.

"Trust me, Mike, I wish it was as simple as hiding a boyfriend from you. Even if that boyfriend was Calum." Meg walks back into the room as she comments.

"Did you just say it would be easier to admit your dating Calum than to admit whatever is going on is going on?" Luke looks worried now, sitting himself up to face Megan as she drops beside Calum on the smaller couch.

"A whole fucking lot easier." She nods, tightening her hands around the sleeves of Calum's hoodie she is still wearing.

"Megan," She glanced up through her eyelashes to meet Michael's eyes, "what's going on? Is this why you've been quiet? And distant? All the excuses?"

"And what the hell does Calum have to do with it all?" Crystal asks.

"Also the guy at the party toni—" KayKay stops as Meg flinches harshly, immediately hiding her face in Calum's shoulder.

"You've got to tell them, Meg, I've been telling you that for weeks." He coos, "They need to know, and you need them." He continues hugging her tightly to himself until he feels her shoulders relax slightly.

"Meg? Are you okay?" She glances up as Michael crouches right in front of her, worry pained in his green eyes as he rests a hand on her knee.

"Um..." She tries to steady her breathing enough to speak, "No." She finally admits.

"You got this, Meg, you're safe remember, he's in jail now." Calum says softly, rubbing his hand over her upper arm as he continues to hugs her.

"That guy, did he harass you before?" Crystal asks with fear in her eyes.

"Yes. And—" She swallows hard, "he um, he... fuck." She starts to hyperventilate slightly. This is so much harder than telling the doctor or police. They had a clue. They were professionals, these are her friends, her family.

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