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Call me when you wake
up please? I need to
talk to you.

Calum frowns at the text, something about the straightforward tone he read it in making his chest tighten. Checking one thing on his phone before rolling to his back and hitting call on her contact.

The rolling ring in his ear repeats three times before cutting, "Cal."

"Is everything okay, Annie?" He frowns at her tone.

"No. I'm better today, but still scared."

"What's going on?" He frowns.

"The guy. The one who attacked me. He um, he posted bail. He's out in a promise to appear at the court date."

"What? Did they not get a match with the DNA?" He sits up, worry coursing through his veins.

"They did, but he was already out on bail? Or it didn't matter. I don't know. Pamela called me yesterday and I panicked, I didn't take in all the information or process it fully." She sighs, "I'm sorry."

"What? No don't be sorry, Annie. You were panicking. Just, maybe stay with someone if you go out until I can get home and we can figure this out? Just in case he's pissed or like watching the house. We don't know what he is willing to do and I don't want you or the baby hurt."

"I'm not leaving the house alone if he's out on the streets. Don't worry about that, Cal. I just, I needed to tell you. Crystal knows, when Hillary sent me home with her driver yesterday Crystal was freaking out."

"I wish you would have called me when you found out." He frowns.

"I was panicking and puking and processing. And then I passed out. I woke up today more stable, but still freaked out and texted you."

"Are you at home or work?"

"Work. I'm safe here, and I think KayKay is picking me up. I won't be alone. I promise. I don't want to be alone right now."

"Okay. Fuck, I'm so sorry I'm here right now." He sighs, laying back against the headboard of the bed. "I promised to always be there for you."

"It's your job, Cal, I'll be okay for a week. I've got the girls, and work. I'm just a little shaken."

"Understandably. I still wish I was there to help."

"You owe me safe cuddles as soon as you get home." She chuckles.

"For as long as you want." He nods though she can't see it.

"Hold on, Cal, I'm being called."

"Ya, go." Calum biting his lip as he waits, hoping they are calling her for the reason he suspects.

"Package for Megan Clifford." He hears through the phone, grinning as his suspicion is confirmed.

"That's me." He can hear the confusion as she answers.

"You've got a boy we don't know about?" Someone in the background asks.

"What the fuck!" He chuckles as he hears Meg curse, assuming she finally saw his little surprise.

"Are you shitting me?" Her voice is back on the line.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Annie girl." He chuckles.

"It's— what— it's—" She stumbles unable to complete a sentence.

"A box of fifty red roses and a few orchids because I know you love them." He laughs.

"Too much." She chuckles softly, "I was going to say it's too much."

"No it wasn't, baby. I can't be there for our first Valentine's Day and plus all this other shit you've had to deal with. And now that bastard is out? No this was exactly what you needed and not even close to what you deserve."

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