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11 Weeks

"Anyone home?" Michael yells, wandering into Calum's house.

"Out back!" a voice calls back quickly, Michael leading Crystal through the house to the yard.

"Late again, Clifford." Andy yells with a tease.

"Didn't want to get out of bed this morning, so it took us an extra minute. It's not hurting anyone." Michael rolls his eyes at the group.

"I didn't want to either, but I was on time." Calum smirks.

"You live here." Michael points out quickly.

"Where's Meg? She's not working today is she?" Sierra asks, changing their subject as it becomes evident she didn't follow Michael and Crystal out of the house.

"She was getting in the shower when Ash and KayKay showed up. I assume she should be out soon." Calum answers with a shrug.

"Wait, Meg stayed here last night?" KayKay asks, looking around the group, only seeing surprise on Sierra's face.

"This weekend, last weekend, half the week after we got back from Sydney. I'm pretty sure she lives here now not with us." Michael grumbles.

"Wait, what?" Sierra asks, looking between the annoyed Michael and Calum, who's trying to hide his smile behind a sip of his White Claw.

"Calum and Megan are testing the waters. Whatever that means." Ashton laughs, using air quotations around the words Calum had used to describe their relationship status.

"The waters have been well tested, Ashton." Meg's voice gets everyone to turn, "It's a whole lot more than that." She smiles, wandering towards the group and plopping herself down right beside Calum.

"And you are okay with this?" KayKay turns to Michael with her jaw hanging open.

"I don't really have a say now do I? They are adults and can do whatever they want. But I have warned Calum if he hurts her I will hurt him."

"I'm not going to hurt her, mate. Calm down, stop being so hostile and pessimistic." Calum rolls his eyes, resting his arm over Meg's shoulders.

"It's still weird." Michael pouts.

"They are cute together, and you trust Calum. Calm down. At least it's not some random guy Meg found on the streets that none of us know anything about." Crystal snaps slightly at Michael, "Stop being a baby about it and let them be happy."

"How long has this been happening? And why does everyone know but the two of us?" Sierra asks, glancing between Meg and Calum.

"Um, like sixish weeks." Megan laughs, "We told Michael what a month ago? That something might be happening. He took that very not well."

"These two caught on when Michael was being hostile and angry towards me at rehearsals and found out in Sydney." Calum adds pointing at Ashton and Luke, "Andy and Ryan were in Sydney with us, so they got the spill too. Crystal figured it out before any of that and confronted me about it."

"How? I mean like three months ago I distinctly remember one of you saying you'd have to burn out your vagina if the other ever got near it." KayKay laughs, eying Megan.

"A lot has changed in those months, those feelings included." Meg shrugs, blushing slightly as Calum presses his lips to her temple.

"Can we not. Ewe. Not talk about their physical relationship with each other. I definitely do not want to know. The hickeys she keeps coming home with are more than enough to make me sick." Michael looks green in the face at the thought.

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