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"Hey Michael, what's up?" Ashton answers his phone quickly, seeing his bandmates name on the screen.

"Are you picking up Cal today?" Michael asks, "He flies in from Sydney this afternoon right?"

"Ya, I told him KayKay and I would pick him up, why?"

"What time is his flight in?"

"He lands at like 4:15."

"Oh good it is the same fight."

"Same flight? As who?"

"Um, Meg is coming to LA. She got a job here, and got on today's flight in. She starts Monday."

"Meg is coming to LA! That's awesome."

"I know, but Crys and I have a wedding meeting this afternoon so I can't go pick her up. Can you take your big car and pick her up too? She will have a couple big bags, moving her whole life here and all."

"She is more than welcome to catch a ride home with us. Am I bringing her to your place?"

"Ya, she is living with Crys and I for the foreseeable future. She doesn't know LA yet and we have more than enough room in the new house."

"I've got her covered don't worry about that. I'm excited little Meg will be in LA with us finally, she deserves to be here, she could really thrive here with her designs."

"She got some job with Hillary Wilton. It's supposed to be huge. I'm so fucking proud. Plus you're right, she is going to thrive here, and we are going to finally get to spent time together again after seven years."

"I'm happy for you guys. Have fun at the wedding meeting I'll make sure Megan gets home safe."

"Thanks, Ash, I owe you one. I'll see you guys tonight when you drop her off."

"You don't owe me anything. Getting to see Meg before you do is really payment in itself."

"Fuck off, I'd pick her up if this meeting wasn't really, really important."

"I know, she'll understand."

"Thanks again."

"Ya, see ya mate." Ashton laughs, ending the call.


Meg sighs as she feels the jolt of the plane touching down finally. The flight from Sydney to LA was ridiculously long and her back and legs are feeling the stiff ache of sitting in the cramped chair for hours.

Wrapping up her headphones, and sliding her book into the bag by her feet she stretches her back slightly. Praying Michael or Crystal can help her get a US phone quickly so she can get in touch with them and anyone else she may need to. It feels weird to not have the ability to call them to see where they are or if they are waiting for her in baggage claim.

Once the plane has been taxied to the gate she stands from her seat, twisting in the small space to stretch further before stepping into the aisle and reaching up to grab her carry on. Having booked the flight only three days prior she had ended up close to the front, only two rows back from the curtain dividing Economy from First Class. Surprised, as she turns to wait for the passengers in front of her to move, to make eye contact with a pair she has known for over fifteen year.

"Little Annie?" Calum laughs, stepping out of the way for a couple people to pass so he exits the plane right before her.

"Do not call me Annie." she groans, "What are you doing on the same flight as me?"

"Okay, I live here you don't. I should be asking you that question." He laughs as he steps beside her once on the jetway where there is room.

"I live here now too." She shrugs, "I just didn't assume you would be who I saw first of the band.

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