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⚠️TW// high⚠️
(aggression, dominance, assault)

"This is a nice club." Meg grins as she walks in with the other girls, excited for a night off to enjoy after her first week of work.

"It's by far our favorite club in LA." Arabella nods, linking her arm through Megs.

"Drinks first, they we scout out what kind of people are around to hit on." Cindy takes charge leading them both towards the bar.

"LA guys? Yes please, Sydney's options were getting quite boring." Meg laughs as the approach the counter.

"You'll have any guy in here flirting in a second with that accent of yours. They can't resist a foreign girl." Cindy grins at her before turning to the bar tender, "Can I get a round of lemon drop shots for me and my girls." She grins.

"Lemon drop?" Meg asks.

"It's the best shot here. And it is loaded with alcohol. Loosens you up immediately" Bella nods.

"I'll take your word for it." Meg chuckles, her eyes wandering the dance floor as the flashing lights strobe over the people there. It's fairly full for not being too late yet, but maybe that's a sign of it being a great club.

"Alright, Meg." Cindy turns her attention back as she hands her a tall shot glass full of yellow liquid.

"To Meg's first week in LA and our new friendships!" Arabella grins, the three girls clinking the glasses together before throwing them back. The alcohol burning with a tart taste as it slides down Megs throat.

"What else can I get you ladies?" The bartender asks as they set their glasses down.

"Mango Tango for me please." Meg grins, turning back to people watching as the others order.

Meg finds herself enjoying the night, drinking with her friends and flirting with guys they happen to run into. But Calum's words from earlier keep her from letting go fully, his voice echoing through her head to keep her wits about her.

"Holy shit!" She startled slightly as Bella grabs her arm quickly.

"What?" She laughs.

"Calum Hood just walks in. You know who he is right? His band is Australian." She giggles, pointing across the room.

Sure enough the second Meg looks she sees him, dressed up in jeans and his leather jacket, a stark contrast to the sweats and t-shirt he'd been wearing hours ago.

"You've got to be kidding me." She groans. No doubt in her mind he is here to babysit her.

"So you know of him?" Apparently Arabella can't hear the annoyance in her voice over the alcohol and music.

"Ya. Are you a big fan?"

"Not massive, but their music is good. Are you a fan?"

"Ya" she laughs, clearly Arabella isn't a massive fan, considering she didn't know who Meg was right away. Most fans know about her since she and Michael are and always have been so close, plus there were dating rumors about her and Ashton in 2014 when she visited the boys in London for a couple weeks since they had gone for coffee together a few times.

"Why are you not freaking out if you're a fan?"

"I've met him before. I'll actually be right back I need to pee." Meg stalks off the other way, wanting to get as far from Calum as she can.

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