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Calum Hood
If you are up for it, I
can come pick you up
and we can do
something today.
Without the coddling I
know Ashton and Mike
have been laying on

need out of this prison
of a house! I feel like
a damn child who's
been grounded!

I'll be there in twenty.
Probably just gonna
hang around my place.
But we could use the
pool or something.

I'll grab a suit just in
case.  Thank you

Meg sighs, tossing her phone on her bed before heading to her closet to find a bikini to pack for her day with Calum. The irony is not lost on her as she digs through the options she has, knowing that even a month ago she would not have been keen to spend an entire day at Calum's house, or in his presence. But her feelings towards the caramel skinned man have changed a lot in the last month... He's come to mean a lot to her; a lot of things she still isn't 100% sure she knows how to explain or express.

Packing a small backpack with the bikini, sun block, sunglasses, and things she might need like her wallet and house keys, she pulls her hair into a messy bun, leaving her face bare of makeup other than mascara, and dressing quickly in shorts and a comfy tank.

"Knock knock." Calum's voice comes from down the hall as she finishes, throwing the bag over her shoulder before exiting her room.

"Is no one else home?" Calum chuckles as he meets her in the hallway.

"Mike and Crys had a meeting with the wedding florist. If we leave now, they won't have any idea where I went." She nods.

"Oops, I think my phone just died then." Calum grins, offering her his hand and guiding her out of the large house.

"You won't give me up if they start calling?" She smiles thankfully up at him.

"We can text them back later, or tell them tonight that our phones weren't with us and that you were perfectly safe and they need to chill." He shrugs.

"Ugh, you are my favorite member of the band right now, Calum Hood."

"Can I get that on tape?" Calum laughs, pulling the car door open for her.

"Ha ha." She rolls her eyes at him, swatting his chest as she climbs in to the car, Calum waiting until she is situated before closing the door and running around to the drivers seat.

"Thank you again, Calum. I really did need this. I have been so trapped, and I went to Ashton's the other day to get away and it was just the black haired version of Michael's crazy antics."

"I don't know why you expected anything but the ultimate big brother treatment from Ashton." Calum laughs as he pulls out of the driveway.

"I was hoping for Best friend Ash not big brother Ash." she sighs.

"Ya, that was wishful thinking, Annie." He chuckles.

"Don't call me fucking Annie." She groans, slapping his arm with the back of her hand.

"You used to like being called Annie." He chuckles, "What changed that?"

"You did." She rolls her eyes. "It was a nickname of mine from when I was really little. My nana called me Annie. But then you turned it into a negative thing in my mind. It always seemed to come out as a tease or degrading when you called me little Annie."

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