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"Are you ready, superstar?" Crystal pokes her head into the bedroom, smiling at Meg.

"Nervous as hell." Meg responds with a chuckle.

"It's going to be perfect. You've spent the last two years making sure of that. Hillary has told you time and again how amazing your designs are, and Michael and Calum have the entire fandom in an uproar about the website link they shared that isn't live yet. You'll be sold out before you can blink, Meg."

"I hope so."

"I know so." Crystal smiles, stepping across the room to take Megan's hands, "And so does everyone outside waiting to celebrate with you."

"Everyone's here?"

"Your mom, Daphne, and Michael's parents got here about twenty minutes ago. Everyone is waiting on you."

"Alright. Let's go do this I guess." Meg nods, smoothing the dress she is wearing, one of her own designs from the new line she is dropping.

Crystal wearing another of her outfits, and she is sure Sierra, KayKay, and Daphne are also sporting her work. True friends in helping her make her debut into the fashion world.

"I found her!" Crystal yells across the yard as they step out onto the patio, raising Megs hand into the air. "Our star of the night, miss Megan Clifford, the newest designer to see her dreams coming true."

Meg laughs at Crystal's dramatics, looking through the people cheering for her, family, friends, coworkers, meeting the eyes of those she loves. Hillary who had truly meant it when she said she wanted to help, who had become a mentor and confidant, as well as an investor in this clothing line. Michael, her best friend, another investor and adamant promoter of her work. Her mum, her biggest fan by far, glossy eyed and proud already. And then those big brown eyes, safe, loving, home. Calum, her Calum, the man she had felt every feeling for. Hate, loath, annoyance, safety, need, and love. The man who held more of her than anyone else ever could. His eyes alight with pride and admiration.

"Thank you all for being here, for wearing my line, for supporting a dream that started when I was a little girl. To see people loving and purchasing clothing I designed. I couldn't have done it without the support of each of you. And no matter how this goes, I know I'll always have your support. Let's hope it goes well." The group laughs lightly at the slight panic in her tone.

"Ready to launch?" Calum has stepped forward, a laptop in his hands, grinning as he offers it towards her. Grinning giddily she tracks her finger across the mouse pad, clicking the 'go live' button on the screen, her website appearing after a moment, fully functioning.

"MGCclothing is officially live!" Calum yells out excitedly, setting the computer aside and pulling Meg into his arms tightly.

"So fucking proud of you, Annie girl." He mumbles, kissing her hard.

"Couldn't have done it without you." She sighs, knowing his constant reassurance and the countless times he held her when she felt discouraged were more than just moments, and they were a huge part of what got her to this moment.

"Happy to be a part of it." He smiles down at her with soft eyes.

"Share her!" Sierra yells loudly, shoving Calum away and pulling Meg into a tight hug. "I've spammed all my friends with the link. You're going to be swimming in orders by morning."

"I love you, Si. Thank you so much for the support." Meg laughs.

"My favorite designer ever. You're going to design my wedding dress, okay?"

"Oh my gosh can I please? We can make it exactly as you want it. It would be so fun." Meg gasps.

"I was not kidding. I need a Megan Clifford original for my big day."

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