Chapter 1- Regina

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I stare at Robin walk down the long lonely path of road towards Boston, his arm around Marian, and his hand in Roland's. They look like a family, a family I could never be apart of.

I take the sheet of paper out of my pocket, the one that showed I could have a happy ending, and tore it to bits, not caring about all the eyes on me. The book will always be right, I will and forever will be the villain.

I turn and walk down the paved road back to town to Granny's where a bottle of whiskey waits my arrival.

No one was on there when I arrived, so I asked for some shots and downed them like there was no tomorrow. Henry was spending a day with his grandparents, so I was good incase he saw me.

"Hello Regina" Emma says sitting next to me.

"I'm not in the mood for a hope speech" I tell her taking another shot.

"I wasn't here to give you one, I came so you could have a drinking buddy" she says asking Ruby for a drink.

I turn to her and shoot another shot before looking forward again.

"I know it hurts" she says taking a sip from her drink.

I ask for more shots and turn to her. "You don't know the pain."

"Actually I do. I lost Neal, it hurt for a long time but one day, it didn't hurt so much" Emma smiles at me.

"Yes, but Neal is dead. Robin is alive and we still can't be together" I sneer taking another shot.

"Ouch" Emma says taking another sip from her drink. "But there isn't a way to forget."

I sigh until a light bulb goes off inside me.

"Actually there is" I smile turning to her.

She looks confused but says "Regina, I didn't actually mean forget."

"But that would be perfect!" I cheer. "The pain would be gone and I can live without the hurt of knowing I could never be with him!"

"Regina I don't think that's a good idea" Emma cringes.

"You!" I say turning to her. "You can do it!"

"Regina I-"

"No it would be perfect!" I smile at her. "I'll get the stuff I need from my vault. Meet me at your parents apartment."

I jump down from my seat, leaving some money for the drinks as I go to my vault. I walk down the of so familiar steps and walk to a chest in the corner. I open it and ruffle through it till my hands touch the smooth, cold surface of the rock.

I grab the item and run out of my vault and straight to the Not So Charming apartment. I love calling it that.

I walk in without knocking to see Emma, David, Mary Margret holding Neal and Henry.

"Mom don't do this" Henry says standing up from the chair he was sitting in.

"I have to Henry, it's the only way" I give a sad smile to him.

Henry runs and hugs me the warmth radiating of his body. He buries his head in my chest and I kiss the top of his head.

He steps back and Emma turns to me. I hand her the stone and tell her what to do.

"Hold the rock in your left hand and move your right hand up. Say the words 'Robin Hood' and then move your hand down and touch the rock. My memories of Robin will be locked in the rock" I give out one last sigh.

"Regina, is there anything you want to say before" Mary Margret says knowing full well what I was hiding.

I sigh and say "you all need to make sure I remember I am pregnant and the father is anonymous."

The room goes up in an uproar I. How I shouldn't do this.

"It's my choice and I choose to do this!" I yell over their screams.

The room falls silent and I stare at Emma. I give her a small nod as she places the rock in her left hand. She raises her right hand and I close my eyes before giving Henry one last look.

"Robin Hood" Emma says.

I open my eyes again and look at the room.

"Regina, what do you remember of Robin Hood?" David asks me.



Hello dearies,

As you can see I am starting off where Robin left. I love happy endings so don't worry, everything will be happy in the end. I am a total outlaw queen shipper and love the show.

This book will answer all of the fandoms hope, everything they want for the characters. You wanted Outlaw Queen babies, I give you Outlaw Queen babies, you want Captain Swan babies, I might give you that. So continue for more.


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