✨Second Dream✨

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"Did something happen?!" Kyojurou repeated with enthusiasm as he made his way to you and roughly patted you on the back causing you to stagger forward a bit. "What happened was that you managed to kill a former demon moon without even knowing! How did you even know he was coming towards you when you were asleep?!" he asked, patting–practically smacking your back again.

"I was able to defend in time because he kicked me." You pointed to Muichirou as all eyes landed on him.

"Me?" he asked, pointing to himself as you nodded. "But how? I wasn't even near you."

In fact, he was the one farthest away from you.

You placed a hand on your chin as you began to think about it. "Oh right, you're still alive. So it couldn't be you," you said, earning the confused look of them. "It was a boy who looked similar to you who warned me then. I don't remember his name, maybe something of Yuchiri? Ourichi? I forgot," you said, not remembering his name despite that feeling of familiarity you had when you saw Muichirou.

"Nevermind then, in all honesty, how did you do it?" Obanai asked, his mismatched eyes watching you closely as he felt like there was more than you let on.

"Like I said, it wa–" you paused, deciding to rethink your words since you knew they wouldn't believe it if you said Muichirou kicked you. "It was because I smelled demon blood," your response wasn't entirely false, even as you dreamed you were aware of your surroundings and could wake up from that dream at any moment.

"Demon blood?"

You nodded. "I smelled some demon blood while I was dreaming and it was terrible, I couldn't dream with such a terrible smell. It around was close to me so I killed it."

"But to able to tell where his neck was and hit it with such accuracy, just how long have you been training (Y/n)?" Gyoumei asked you as tried to recall when was the first time you picked up a sword.

"Three months," you answered, the oldest memory with you holding a sword was three months ago. "...... I think."

"That aside, where's the Dream Estate (Y/n)-chan?" Mitsuri asked as you blinked in surprise.

"It was that way, I think?" you said before remembering where it actually was. "No, it's there," you said, pointing to the right direction. Hopefully. "Now if you excuse me." You did a quick bow before heading in the direction you think your house is in.

"Are you sure you could walk there?" Mitsuri frowned, she was worried you'd suddenly fall asleep again.

"I'm fine," you said before falling to the ground, hearing a lot of sighs behind you. "I am not fine." You fell asleep on the road.

"I'll carry her hom—"

"I can do it," Muichirou offered, startling the others since he was usually distant and forgetful.


"Becuase she knows something about my past, so I want to ask her a few things."

The other pillars agreed to leave you in his care as they all went their separate ways, either to do another round at their own district or to retire for the night.

Muichirou carefully picked you up as he headed in the direction you pointed to earlier. He was surprised to actually find the Dream Estate, he was half expecting to not end up in the right place.

He entered the house as a fragrant smell wafted throughout your house. Muichirou smelled a (Favourite scent)-y scent despite it not being familiar to him. The weirder part was that it was almost nostalgic to him yet he couldn't remember why. He managed to place you in bed after looking for a room with a futon as the smell of (Favourite scent) started to make him sleepy.

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