✨Twenty-Eigth Dream✨

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So moment of impulse but I decided to publish this chapter 1 day ahead. Why? I don't know either.


A few days passed and you were on your way to see Aoi (after breaking a few of your fingers) to see Tanjiro, Inosuke, and that last guy. Tanjiro noticed you first, smiling as he ran up to you, his friends following behind him.

"(Y/n)-san! It's good to see you!" he smiled, greatly reminding you of Kyojurou who held the same (if not more) energy as your back (slapping) patting friend.

"Same goes to you Tanjiro." you greeted, noticing he and his friends looked like they were leaving. "Are you leaving to go somewhere?" you asked, raising a brow.

He nodded. "Yeah! We're gonna go to the Flame Pillar since Shinobu-san told me he might be able to answer my questions."

"Do you even know where he is?" you asked them, Tanjiro gave you a nod while Inosuke looked cconfused and the yellow haired dude just looked at you with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah! Shinobu-san gave him a message and told me I should be able to meet up with him at the Express Train!" he told you happily as you furrowed you brows.

"It's been a few days so I thought that he was finished with that mission." you thought before forcing yourself to relax, ignoring that sinking feeling in your gut. "Maybe he spent a few days preparing."

For whatever reason, you prayed that his mission would be a success and that he would return safe and sound.

"(Y/n)-san? Are you alright?" Tanjiro asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. "You smell like there's something troubling you."

You took a step back, your face visibly paling as you stared at him with a confused look. "Smell?" sure you spent a few days with him and found he's got a weird personality but this–

He seemed to notice your look of confusion before breaking into a smile, laughing. "I forgot to mention but my nose is rather sensitive."

"Even so, sensitive people don't just “smell” emotions." you sighed, knowing it would be rather rude to say that and from what you heard, one of the guys in his group could “hear” the difference between humans and demons. "I see." you looked at your (broken) fingers. "Well, I should go see Aoi now. Good luck you guys."

You both waved goodbye at each other as you went to see Aoi, who was glad your injuries were less severe than before (when y'know, you broke your freaking ribs?). You headed back home and sat on your patio as you stared at your broken fingers which just so happened to be on your dominant hand.

"How nice." you said sarcastically, staring at your fingers with a bored look. "Holding a sword will be painful for a while." though you knew your number of missions would decrease because of this injury, you were still most likely gonna push yourself.

"Damn demons and their love for plucking fingernails." you gritted at the memory, barely avoiding his blood demon art (which so happened to be targeting your fingernails) and broke a few fingers instead.


"Are you sure you're alright coming with me? It's pretty late at night." Muichirou asked, turning behind him to stare at you, noticing your recent injuries.

It was late at night, you finished doing your rounds and was about to retire for the night, only to run into Muichirou who was currently looking for a demon that ran away.a

"It's fine." you reassured him. "Finding and killing a demon shouldn't be so hard, I'll go to bed after that." you told him, speeding up to walk beside him as you took his hand in yours. "And you're here with me."

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