✨Forty-Seventh Dream✨

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"Why'd you do that Muichirou?" you whined, sitting on the bed cross-legged as you glared at the air in front of you. You folded your arms around your chest, still mad at what he did earlier.

"I didn't do anything." He smiled, giving you an innocent look (not that you could've seen it). He sat behind you because when he sat in front of you earlier, you would not stop hitting him (it was light so he barely felt it).

"I fell asleep, and it's nighttime! How am I supposed to go fight with 'Nemi nii-san now?"

"You can always do that tomorrow," he suggested. "Besides, Shinobu-san said to rest, do you want her to kill you?"

"Still," you frowned, "I didn't need to sleep, I could've stayed awake."

"You looked like you'd pass out at any second, besides," he said, placing a hand on your head, "What were you even gonna do awake?"

"A lot of things," you mumbled. You were unwilling to admit you actually had nothing in mind when you said you could've stayed awake.

"Then please enlighten me (Y/n)." He smiled. He knew full well you had nothing in mind, and so he decided to call you out on it.

No~thing at all ✨

"You know, you can be really frustrating at times." You glared even harder at the air (if that was possible). "Would you mind if you went to sleep? Like, right now?"

"Come on now, don't be mad (Y/n)," he said, pulling you closer to him until your head rested on his chest. He then placed his chin on the top of your head as he wrapped his arms around your stomach. "I think you look much better with a smile than a scowl."

"You just don't want to sleep right now," you grumbled, placing your hands on top of his and playing with it.

"Maybe," he smiled, intertwining his hand with yours, "But right now, I'd rather talk to you than go to sleep."

You had a blank face before you sighed, relaxing against his chest. "I give up. You're too weird for me."

"You're the same aren't you?" He chuckled. "You've done a lot of things far weirder than I ever could."

"No I didn't," you immediately denied, "All the things I've done are normal as far as I'm concerned."

"Sleeping under waterfalls and getting captured by demons on a pretty much daily basis is normal for you?" He raised a brow, smiling to himself.

"Ugh......" you groaned. He was right, that wasn't normal as far as anyone goes, "No," you admitted, "Fine, I've done some very not normal things that can be rather questionable. Are you here to expose me or something?"

"Of course not. I would never." He brought your hand over your head as he placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "I'm just here to keep you company. And if I remembered correctly, you could sleep peacefully when I'm around so I thought you should sleep since you looked restless earlier."

"You really are sweet, aren't you?" you sighed, you could not get mad at him for the life of you. It was just that har. Impossible even.

"As long as you're happy," he replied.

"As long as you're with me then it's impossible to not be happy." You smiled, taking your hand (along with his) from your head, setting it down to where it was before.

You two remained quiet before he sighed, "Alright, what's troubling you?"

"Why would you ask that?" You smiled awkwardly even though he couldn't see it. You never thought he'd be able to sense that you were a bit nervous regarding the whole “Battle against Muzan” thing.

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