✨Thirty-Eigth Dream✨

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Got distracted by my modules so I accidentally forgot to update.


"And then for the rest of the day, Shinobu nee-san was so nice that it scared me." you grimaced, Mitsuri chuckled as she passed you the cup of tea to which you accepted, giving her a nod.

"Well, anyone one of us would feel happy since you decided to call us Nee-san/Nii-san." she sat beside you, taking a sip of her tea.

"I, for one, am still pleased that I can have the title even though I retired flamboyantly." Tengen added, using that black colored cloth adorned with the gems he usually has as an eyepatch even though Shinobu said it would be perfectly fine without it since he could still use that eye.

"I see, let me just remove you re—"

"No!" Tengen immediately disagreed. "I flamboyantly refuse!"

"Yes please." Obanai nodded, agreeing. "He's not a Pillar anymore, so why is he even here?"

"Well, he's still technically a Pillar. A former Pillar was still a Pillar." Giyuu explained, earning a glare from Sanemi who was still salty for something that wasn't Giyuu's fault what so ever. "So that means he has the right to be here."

"Shut up you bastard."

"You're already last place Sanemi-san. Don't make it worse." Kyojurou chuckled, raising the cup to his lips as he took a long, quiet sip.

"If I'm already last place them what the fuck can she do?" Sanemi asked casually, not caring less since he was already last place.

"Removal." you said in all seriousness, a determined shine in your eye.

"That's a thing?!"


"It is now." you took another sip, ignoring the argument that ensued between Tengen and Sanemi.

"By the way (Y/n)-chan, if you didn't visit Shinobu-chan the yesterday then who wrapped the bandages on your arms?" she asked, shushing the two Pillars who were arguing, earning the attention of the other 5 Pillars currently present.

"I was wondering the same thing since they actually looked to be done decently." Obanai added, Kaburamaru by his side had his eyes closed as he nodded, imitating Obanai.

You turned to glare at him. "Are you saying I'm terrible and treating myself?"

"No, it's just it wouldn't look that good since you could only use one hand so I'm just thinking about it rationally." he went into further detail as you had no choice but to agree with his reasoning.

"Ugh," you groaned, lying head first into the table, not really wanting to tell them. "I don't want to tell you."

"Ah, so it was Muichirou-kun!" Mitsuri smiled, guessing since you two were pretty close and he wasn't one of the “(Y/n) search party”, so he either didn't care (which was highly unlikely) or you two were together.

Naturally, she chose to go with the latter.

"I like you, you dumb idiot."

You recalled his confession, your face growing red as you buried your face into Giyuu's haori.

"There, there?" Giyuu awkwardly patted your back, unsure on what he should do in this situation.

"Oh? Did you two have a fight?" Mitsuri frowned, not wanting her friends (and in her opinion, soon to be lovers) fight. "I hope you two settle it soon."

"On the contrary," Tengen smirked, bringing a hand to his chin, forming a check sign with his pointer and thumb fingers. "I think something good happened between them. Aren't I right, Chibi?"

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