💠Special #2💠

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Not sure if I can call this a request but Imma do that anyway.

Requested by _ARMY_Ele_


In which there is a wedding.



This one sentence ensued chaos between the staff and friends as they frantically started searching with panic written on their faces.

How could they not? There was only a few hours left before your wedding and you hadn't event taken the photos before you put on your wedding dress with your fellow bridesmaids.

"Someone go tell Tokito-kun!"

At that Sanemi and decided to tell him and rushed to where he was staying for the time being, knocking on the door but getting no response. He had no choice but to open it forcefully.

He heaved a relieved sigh after seeing “Muichirou” on the couch, surfing the web on his phone without a care.

"Hey, your bride is fucking missing," Sanemi informed, wondering if he didn't hear the announcement earlier and why he was being so chill even after Sanemi told him you were missing.

"Hah?" Yuichirou looked up from his phone, giving Sanemi a look of disbelief and irritation. "The only people getting married today is my idiot brother and that idiot girl." He looked back down to his phone and continued on. "So go back and continue your search party or something."

This may seem harsh, but Yuichirou didn't need to worry about anything. He met up with his twin earlier and Muichirou asked a favor of him.

"THE GROOM IS ALSO FUCKING MISSING!" Sanemi yelled, gritting his teeth since he put so much effort into dressing up (after Tengen practically forced them), only to turn out there might not be a wedding today. "THEY'RE BOTH FUCKING MISSING!"

That announcement only made things worse. It was bad enough that you were missing but now he was? What was this? Did you two plan to elope? But why? Both your parents supported your marriage (after dealing with your family's threats towards Muichirou).


"(Y/n)," Muichirou breathed out, catching his breath after running a short 10 minutes to a field of Forget Me Nots where you say in the middle, your back facing him.

"Muichirou?" You turned to him. You still hadn't taken photos so you were still in a pink bathrobe that barely reached your ankles, the word “Bride” was written in cursive on the back of your bathrobe. "You found me," after the initial shock of seeing him here, a smile appeared on your face.

He had a slight frown on his face as he walked towards you, stopping in front you. He then got on one knee as he looked at you, still beautiful as the first day you two met.

"Is there something your not satisfied with?" he asked, gently taking your hand in his and brought it up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on your backhand. "I even told your parents I'd make you the happiest woman in my life," he sighed. "Seems like I failed it you wanted to run away from me."

"I'm not trying to run away from you," you said softly, your voice slightly cracking.

He looked up, his eyes widening when he realized there were tears coming out of your eyes. "Hey, I'm sorry if I said something wrong. Please stop crying." He waved his arms frantically, your dad was surely gomma pull out his gun at Muichirou again for making you cry.

"I just still can't believe I'm actually marrying you." You used your hands to wipe away your tears, not caring if the make-up was getting messed up (someone's make-up artist is going to murder someone later). "I'm still a bit overwhelmed after all this time," even after a year of being engaged. The fact that you were still marrying Muichirou still felt like a dream.

He stared at you, his frown turning into a smile. You were still that same girl he knew. He lightly placed his hand on your head, patting it lightly since he didn't want to ruin your hair (because he didn't want to get murdered). He then sat beside you, gently guiding your head to rest on his shoulder.

"What are you talking about? If anything, I still can't believe you actually agreed to my proposal."

"I don't think I could say no even if I wanted to," you laughed, intertwining your hand in his. "You actually proposed to me in front of so many people on graduation night."

"Are you saying you would've said no if I proposed differently? Or do you think I should've waited after graduation night?" he asked.

"No," you replied. "I'm glad you proposed to me then. If you took too long then I would've bought a ring and proposed to you."

"What are you talking about? How could you propose to me?" he chuckled. "I had to bring you to the infirmary after you got lightheaded."

"Do you love me or not?" you huffed, lightly hitting his arm.

"I do." he shifted his head and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"How'd you even find me?"

"We played here as kids, how could I not know where to find you?"

He then kneeled in front of you once more, holding his hands towards you with that same smile that made you fall for him over and over again.

"We still have a wedding to attend. Would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?"

A giggle escaped your lips as you smiled, placing your hand atop of his.

"I'd love to."


Anyway, if you guys have any suggestions for special chapters, I'm all ears. Whether it be here or the DMs.

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