✨Thirty-Fourth Dream✨

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"Was there something you needed from me, Misturi-chan?" you asked calmly, knowing who the owner of the voice of without even needing to look as you just continued to drink your tea.

"Is it true you called Uzui-san and Rengoku-san Nii-san?!" she went straight to the point.

Your eyes widened, forcing yourself to drink down that tea so you wouldn't spit it out, resulting in you choking.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Muichirou asked, walking to your side as he rubbed your back.

"Why are you asking?" you looked at Mitsuri, wiping your mouth.

"So it is true!!" she guessed based off how you reacted.

"And what if it is?" you asked, frowning at them. "Why does it matter if I called them that?"

"Because–because!" she yelled, her hand balled into fists, shaking them up and down as she looked at you. "I demand equal treatment!"

"Excuse me?" you looked at her like she was crazy. "Why on earth would I do that?"

"Please!!" she pleaded. "If the baby Pillar does it for two Pillars then she should do it for the rest of the Pillars!" she reasoned back, both you and Muichirou pausing as you two looked her.

"Baby Pillar?" you both asked, not having a clue on what they were talking about.

"As far as I know I'm the Dream Pillar." you glared at them, finding the title absolutely absurd and too unbelievable.

"Come on!" she pleaded once more, pulling you into a hug. "I wanna at least hear you call me Nee-san before I die!"

You placed your hands on her shoulder as you roughly shoved her so you could breath. "No, I don't want to."

"Pleaseeeeeee!! Listen to your seniors!" she hugged you, burying her head in your stomach.

You looked up to Obanai. "Can you please get her off me?" you groaned as he didn't do anything about Mitsuri. You buried your face in your hands as you wondered why you made the mistake of calling Tengen and Kyojurou as Nii-san. "Not you too. Are all the others like this?"

"Please!! I helped you out these past four months without asking anything!"

You turned to your last hope, Muichirou, giving him a desperate help-me-this-is-too-embarrasing look as he shrugged, shaking his head.

"I don't see why you can't do that (Y/n)."

You let out another groan, no one was on your side today, why were all the Pillars acting like this? Did they really see you as a younger sister? All of them?

You buried your face in your hands once more, there was no choice. "Mitsuri nee-san, Obanai nii-san." you called out, surprising the two as they looked at your face, a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"You're so cute (Y/n)-chan!!" she said happily, pulling you into a hug.

"Please leave." you asked, pushing her away as you looked at Obanai, a pink hue on his face that wasn't fully covered by his mask. "Please drag her out."

"Call me nee-san again and I'll leave." a devilish smile on her face as she asked that.

"Mitsuri nee-san, Obanai nii-san." after another reluctant time of calling them their new titles, they left satisfied as you sighed, falling back into to Muichirou's chest. He wrapped his hands around your stomach as you placed your hands on his arms, looking up at him. "What about you?"

"What about me?" he asked, looking down into your (E/c) eyes.

"Do you also want to be called Ne–"

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