✨Third Dream✨

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You visited the town to the south as per the mission you were tasked with. When you arrived, you immediately noticed that the town was eerily quiet and there was no one outside even though it was a swarm sunny day, not even the kids were out.

You wondered why as you headed to the first house you saw, which was a small home made of wood and it looked to be in poor condition which worried you a bit. How long have they shut themselves in?

"Excuse me, my name is (Y/n), I'm the Dream Pillar. I've come to ask a few questions," you said, knocking on the door as it slightly opened for you to see a older and taller woman than you.

She peeked her head out left and right before sighing, quickly ushering you in as she closed the door behind her, locking it firmly. You looked around the place, there was a younger boy, he was around the age of five or six, who you presumed to be her son. His face was pale and gaunt, there were bags under his eyes and he looked ready to pass out but couldn't out of fear, you looked at the older woman who let you and she had the same expression as him. You knew something was definetly up.

"I apologize if I can't host you properly, our town is currently suffering a crisis," she explained as you nodded.

"That's why I'm here. I'm a Demon Hunter Pillar and I wanted to ask a few questions." Tears welled up in her eyes as she fell to her knees, bowing before you.

"Ma'am, please don't do that," you said, assisting her so she could at least stop kneeling, she used the back of her hands to wipe away her tears. "What's going on? Why isn't anyone going out?"

"Anyone who was going out, whether it be at day or night always end up disappearing the next day! Even my son went missing! I beg of you, please find him!" she begged as you nodded.

"Of course ma'am, as a demon hunter, that is my job," she muttered a countless number of thanks to you as she and her son passed out, exhausted from the nights they've stayed awake. You tucked them into bed as you waited outside on the woman's porch.

If you wanted to find out what happened to the others then you should let yourself get caught first.


"Hey idiot, you ended up falling asleep on your mission." Yuuichiro flicked your forehead as you cradled it.

"That's so mean!! Am I not allowed to sleep on missions?!" you said, there were mini tears at the side of your eyes.


"You shouldn't bully her," a voice said as Yuuichirou rolled his eyes.

"It's not someome I know, so I'll go see my family for a while." Yuuichirou walked off as you looked to see an old man who was shorter than you.

"Who are you?" you asked, placing a finger on the side of your face as you thought of the old man in front of you that seemed so familiar.

"You forgot me you brat!" he yelled, hitting you on the back as a light bulb appeared on top of your head.

"Oh! You were my uncle's best friend! Kuwajima Jigoro!" you exclaimed, hitting your balled fist into your open palm as you remembered, only to receive a whack to the head. "Ow! Ow! Ow! What was that for?!" you asked, first you nurtured forehead, now you had to nurture your head.

"I always told you to call me Jii-chan!" he scolded as you pouted.

"I'm sorry, Jii-chan," you said, he took a seat next to you as you still had to nurture your head from his lightning fast head whack.

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