✨Fiftieth Dream✨

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Alright, it's hasn't been three days but it's time to face the reality that the alternate 49th chapter isn't canon to the story, no matter how much you wish it was and I'm here to break hopes and dreams.

As well as bring tears ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ


There was a heavy silence hung around you three. Not one of you said anything as you walked down the halls.

What was there to say? You, along with Sanemi, suffered the loss of a loved one and Gyoumei couldn't bring himself to utter any words of consolidation.

"REVIVAL! MUZAN HAS REVIVED! ALL THE PILLARS MUST GATHER AT ONCE!" A crow flew past you there, bringing the shocking news of Muzan reviving. "GATHER AT ONCE!" it emphasized the gathering part as your grip on your sword tightened. The tree of you running after the crow.

On your way there, the infinity fortress shook, your eyes widened as you fought against the pressure pulling you down, barely being able to stand.

Gyoumei, who was more experienced and stronger than you, seemed to be a having a little trouble against the pressure but was doing better much than you. Sanemi, who was injured just as bad as you, also struggled against the pressure.

You didn't know how but you broke through the ground, flying as your harshly landed on the fallen debris, you coughed up a handful of blood, struggling to get up.

"Damn it," you cursed at yourself. You could hear the sound of fighting in the distance and yet here you are, lying on the ground.

Even if you were hurt, even if it pained you to get up, you had to. There were people sacrificing their lives just to defeat Muzan and you couldn't let them show you up.

Forcing yourself to get up, you followed Sanemi and Gyoumei towards where the rest of the demon hunters should be gathered.

"(Y/n)," Sanemi called out, drawing your attention to him. "Catch." He tossed you a few glass bottles which you had no problem catching

"This is?" you asked, looking at the contents of the bottle.

"It's oil," he answered. "Just make sure you throw it at Muzan."

"Alright." You nodded, making sure they were secure in your arms.

The three of you arrived at the scene, Gyoumei being the first one to rush in and save Mitsuri. Sanemi followed, slicing him in half (to which he immediately regenerated), he turned towards you and gave you a nod.

Jumping over Muzan, you threw the bottle while managing to slice his hand off, which immediately grew back. The glass bottles didn't go unnoticed by him and he quickly sliced it, only to have it doused on him.

Sanemi wasted no time and took out a match, lighting it up before he tossed it towards Muzan.

"An underhanded ploy!" he hissed, feeling the burn.

"This thing suits you," Sanemi remarked before declaring, "I'll kill you! You piece of shit!!"


You panted as you held your sword up. Muzan had only gotten stronger, and as the battle to keep him at bay until dawn arrived, you undoubtedly grew exhausted, especially when Muzan would attack in your blind spots which was your right side.

You turned the side while you dodged another one of Muzan's attack, an expression of shock as you noticed Mitsuri seemed off. You pulled her in, helping her dodge an attack as she gasped, looking at the wreckage at where she stood.

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