✨Eleventh Dream✨

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"This?" you looked at the ring you had. "Oh, Muichirou won this from a Shateki booth." you informed, a grin appeared on Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio's faces upon hearing that.

"How romantic!!" they thought.

"You're the one who paid for it though." he added as you nodded.

"Which booth can I get these from?" Tengen asked, imagining how flamboyant it would be for them for to have it, it would also make his wives happy.

"You can't."

"What do you mean I can't?" he asked, an irk mark appearing on his face. Did you not want to tell him because he might upstage you two? Most likely, after all, he is the most flamboyant Pillar in the history of flamboyant Pillars.

"According to the man who gave it to us there are only two of them in the world. So there's no more." Muichirou explained.

"Is that so? Can I examine the ring then?" he asked as you shook your head.

"I can't take it off." you said, demonstrating the fact you couldn't take it off. "He said once we wear it, it won't come off and so far, he seems to be right."

"I see..." he then shrugged the idea if getting those rings, he may not act like it but he's pretty sensible.

"Oh yeah, are you going to watch the fireworks?" you asked, drawing the attention of the four who had no idea there would be fireworks.

"Fireworks?" Makio asked.

"Yeah, an old lady that runs a Senbonbiki booth told us about it." Muichirou stated.

"Senbonbiki?! It's been so long since I played it." Suma exclaimed, turning to Tengen. "Can we go? Please Tengen-sama!" Suma begged, Tengen thought about it before breaking into a grin, giving her a pat on the head, making the other two jealous.

"Sure! Why not?" he agreed as they walked in the direction you pointed to the old lady while Makio and Hinatsuru demanded equality on the head pats.

"Huh..." you both watched in silence as they walked away. "I hope they can watch the fireworks."

Nodding, he took your hand. "Are we still going to watch the fireworks?" he asked as you turned to him, nodding.

"Yeah, let's go find a spot." heading to the clearing, there were already a few people that were seating down on the meadows.

The two of you decided to sit on a hill, a bit farther from the rest but the view was great.

You then remembered the box you won. "Oh yeah, why don't we open these?" you suggested to Muichirou who pulled the box he won and nodded.

"Alright, then."

You opened your box and inside was an somewhat blue somewhat purple colored Omamori.

"This is called an Omamori and my dad says it's a protective talisman! So I want you to have it! May it always protect you!"

You didn't know why, but a picture of a young girl who had short (H/c) hair said, a giant smile on her face as she seemed to be giving the Omamori to someone.

Snapping out of your thoughts, you turned to see Muichirou who frowned at the contents of his box.

"What's wrong?" you asked, he showed you the content of his box and you understood.

"It's not my style." he said.

Inside the box was a blue cloud hairpin that highly remaining you of Muichirou. It just seemed to fit the word of mist pillar well.

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