✨Twelfth Dream✨

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You stirred slightly, opening your eyes as you were met with Muichirou's chest. You paused for a second, trying to remember how you two ended up like this before you remembered. Aside from the embarrassing things that transpired last night, you actually had a good night sleep without the use of your incense sticks that it surprised you.

You tried to wiggle your way out but it seems you couldn't. He had an arm wrapped around your waist as he rested his chin on top on your head, given he was a bit taller than you. Your face would've turned red but you were too comfortable to think about blushing right now.

"Muichirou." you called out. Though the thought of sleep was nice, you had to go home.

"Hmm?" you couldn't see it but he slowly opened his eyes.

"Nothing." you said, deciding to just sleep in today.

"Alright then, I'm gonna go sleep for a bit longer." he replied, taking in how comfortable he felt around you.

The two of you stayed like that for a good twenty minutes before he decided to get up. He had a bit of trouble since you were fast asleep and still had an arm around his waist.

"(Y/n), wake up." he gently shook you as you groaned.

"Five more minutes." you replied.

"At least let me go." you let your arm fall. He stood up and smoothed his kimono that had a few crinkles. "You can continue sleeping but I'm going to get some food." you immediately sat up hearing the holy word being mentioned.

"Is it breakfast time? Let's go." You said, stretching before you got up.

"At least fix your hair." he ran a hand through your (H/l) (H/c) hair that was messy only to be stopped by a few knots.

"Alright." you pulled out your comb as you brushed your hair. "Is this better?" you asked once your hair was shiny and smooth.

"What happened to hair pin?" he asked, it wasn't in your hair so hopefully it didn't fall last night.

"Oh yeah, I took it off last night." reaching over to your futon, you pulled out the blue cloud hairpin.

"Do you need help?" he offered.

"I'm good, thanks." you put on the hairpin as you turned to him. "Can we go get breakfast now?"

Muichirou nodded. "Let's go." turning around, he opened the Shoji, a sliding panel that is made of translucent paper in a wooden frame, and got out with you following closely behind him.

He went to order the food as you looked for a free table. It seems like all the tables were occupied, except for a big table in the back that could fit more than ten people. The only person sitting there was Gyoumei and you could understand why no one else sat beside him, he was tall and looked scary, not to mention he seemed to be constantly crying. You weren't afraid of him, since you knew he wasn't a bad guy, so you sat next to him.

"Gyoumei-san, good morning." you greeted. He turned to his side and looked down (ヽ(`⌒')ノ) as he noticed you.

"Good morning (Y/n). Did you enjoy the festival last night?" he asked, you rested your head on the table as you nodded.

"It was pretty and the games were fun, I even got this hairpin from Muichirou." you told him, pointing to your hairpin. "Did you enjoy the festival last night? I don't think I saw you."

"I was helping a group of children that got lost, then after that I helped with the fireworks." you nodded, you always knew he held a fondness towards kids.

"Is that so?" you slumped into the table as you rested on your arms.

"Good morning!" a high pitched voice said, taking a seat opposite to you as she was followed by the pillar who had different eye colors.

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