✨Thirtieth Dream✨

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"(Y/n)-san! It's good to see you again. Thank you very much for your help on the mission." Tanjiro thanked you when he encountered you while walking back to his room.

You stared at him before approaching him, placing a hand on his shoulder (since you could not reach his head that easily). "You and your friends also deserve some of the credit. I heard that you guys helped save the passengers even after the train conductor stabbed you. Good job."

Tanjiro, who stared at you, his open mouth slowly turning into a big smile. "You really aren't like Murata-san described you to be!" he laughed, leaving a confused (Y/n) as Tanjiro excused himself to go and rest.

His statement did make you think, just how did the other demon hunters see you? You thought of it for a while, before shrugging it off, not able to come up with an answer. Who cares what they thought of you? You didn't, the opinion of someone who you weren't close with or didn't care at all didn't matter to you.


You sat on the patio of your house, swinging your legs as you waited for Hanzuki, your swordsmith, to arrive while thinking of the reaction he might have when he gets here.

Your door opened (since you could never bother to lock it), turning your head to the entrance, you were met with the gaze of a man wearing a tengu mask. He whistled a tune (a rather happy one) as he made his way towards you, sitting next to you. He became oddly quiet.


"I heard you broke the sword I made," he casually stated, untying the cloth wrapped sword on his back from the front as he placed it on his lap. "Is that true?"


"If I didn't, do you honestly think you'd even be here?" you answered back, your legs stopped swinging as you fixated your gaze to the item on his lap.

"Where'd you break it?"

"In a fight obviously."




He began to laugh.

He bent forward, holding his stomach as he tried his best to stop laughing, the attempt proving to be futile. "You really are careless aren't you?" he said in between laughs as he struggled to breath from how amusing he found this situation to be.

You sighed, placing your hands (that were previously on your lap) to either side of your body as you leaned back a bit, getting annoyed at the sight of Hanzuki laughing. "It's not like this is the first time this happened. Stop laughing like it's so funny." you snapped at him, you never really could understand him. Swordsmiths were supposed to be prideful in their work weren't they? Yet this one beside you was laughing like it off like he could care less about it. "Why can't you be serious like your brother?"

Haganezuka Hanzuki. His older by two minutes twin brother, Haganezuka Hotaro, was someone who absolutely took pride in his work and you've even heard stories that he chases people around with his knife. Thought you've never personally met Hotaro (only from the stories Hanzuki tell you), you found it hard to believe that Hotaro was related to Hanzuki who was carefree and laid back.

"You mean chasing you around with knife and coercing you to buy me dango?" he asked, sitting up straight as he stared at the pale blue sky before turning to you, his mask (which was closely similar to Hotaro's) stared at you, the painted eyes staring into your soul. You never really did like the masks they wore. "As tempting as an offer, I'll stick to fewer customers and my carefree nature."

Like his older brother, he had fewer customers becase they would constantly get fed up that he mockingly laughed at them whenever they broke (sometimes even throwing a few insults) the swords he made before proceeding to blame Hanzuki for his poor craftsmanship which resulted in the demon hunters changing swordsmiths, but Hanzuki (unlike his brother) didn't care about any of that. As long as he got to do what he wanted then he was satisfied.

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