✨Thirty-Sixth Dream✨

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Despite Shinobu's advice, Muichirou just could not find himself falling asleep. He was way too restless, thinking about the events from earlier.

He sighed, knowing nothing good will come out from overthinking it. He got up, adjusted the sword sheath to his side and walked out quietly, not wanting to wake up his crow. Although Muichirou won't openly admit, he does sometimes find her annoying.

He wanted to visit you but knowing Shinobu, she'd kick him and lock the doors the moment she hears he's going there, not that there was anyone to tell her.

"Ah." he paused, ending up in flower field after just letting his feet guide him. "It looks pretty tonight." he continued to stare at the enchanting flowers before lying down, taking in the night breeze.

"How relaxing," he smiled, his hand dampening, realizing he must have touched a puddle or something.

He brushed the thought off before sitting straight up. "It hasn't rained in a few days and no one usually picnics here." he stared at his hand, there was a dark color to it that resembled mud, it was even a bit sticky like mud and began to harden. "Maybe someone spilt water or something."

He leaned back a bit, he placed one hand to his side, lifting the other hand (with the presumed mud) towards the moon, letting the night sky illuminate the place around him.

His eyes widened, realizing it was not a false alarm. The dark colored substance in his hand wasn't mud after all.

It was blood.

He looked at his surroundings, the blood coated some of the flowers was the blood that coated hand was a while ago. He became even more worried when he saw that magenta sword he was sure only you owned.

He picked up your sword, standing up almost immediately, rushing to your house, a sinking feeling in his chest as he saw that your door was open. It only made things worse when there was different blood sized drops leading to your house. The lights were even on.

Carefully, and quietly, he made his way inside with his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to battle it out if that's what it becomes.

He opened the door quickly, relief washing over him when he saw you sitting on the floor, against the door.

"Muichirou!" you jumped, not expecting him (or anyone) to be awake at this time.

He didn't say anything, he just walked over to you, getting on his knees as he pulled you into a hug. "Muichirou?" you asked again.

"I was worried, I thought something happened to you." he breathed out, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "What were you doing?"

"Ah, that's......" you started, trying to find the right words. "If you could step back a bit then you'd see for yourself."

He pulled away as you showed him your arms, his eyes widening at the gashes along with deep and shallow cuts. It stopped bleeding but it still needed medical care. "What happened to your hands?"

"Well, it's complicated."

"Just wait here, I'll be back." he excused himself as he stood up, leaving the room while you wondered what was going through in his head.

He soon came back with a disinfectant and a roll of bandages as he knelt in front of you. "Hold out your arm." you complied, holding your arm out to him as he got to work on disinfecting it.

"You're not gonna ask what is was doing late at night or why I'm even injured?" you stared curiously at him, watching as he treated your arm.

"You said it was complicated didn't you? I don't want to ask if it makes you uncomfortable." he stated, bandaging your arm. "The other one."

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