Love in Disguise.

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Heyyyy thank you so much for clicking on my story! Before you read there are a few things you should know.

1. Vader or Anakins suit is purely just for keeping his identity a secret. He is not burned and he does not need it to live.

2. This is an alternate universe. Palpatine was the emperor for a while and it was always like that. But once Vader was old enough he obviously killed him. Of course more of this will be told in the story!

3. I'm sorry to say but there are probably going to be many spelling and grammar errors. I'm writing this on my lap top and it doesn't have spell check or anything obviously so just to give you a heads up!

4. Finally, lots of things will be different but hey that's just how it works. If you're confused on anything just comment and I'll explain.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy Love in Disguise!!!

Love in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now