c h a p t e r t w o

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"It's fun isn't it Yeri-ahh? right?? Your father will bring you happiness forever... wherever, whenever."


"Your lil sister is still young isn't she? But damn.... She's fvcking sexy as hell....."

"Don't!! Please don't touch her!!! I'll do anything but please... not my sister!!!"



Standing on the side of the railings of an unfinished building, Jungwon heard a voice from his back.. a feminine voice he know.

He looked under him. 200 feet above the ground, it's surely high.

"Go away..."
Jungwon coldly said, not even looking at her.

"what do you mean? Why are you doing thi--"

Jungwon shouted, Still not looking at her.

"Can you just at least tell me why are you being a dick right now Yang Jungwon?"

"I do not need to tell you. Go away! I don't want you in my life ever again... Don't go near me!! I DON'T NEED YOU!!"

Jungwon can't think of any better solution than this.

He needs to push her away in order to protect her.

Yeri shouted his name. tears flowing on her eyes, On jungwon's too..

"I don't know why are you being like this... But Jungwon, I can never stay away from you..."
She said, her voice started cracking...

"You are the one who gave me a reason to live..."
She said slowly walking towards him.

"Didn't you know? The night you saved me?"

"Was the night my father started touching me."

Jungwon was shook. his eyes opened wide, flabbergasted and combobulated.

"But you gave me another chance to live... No matter how dark, how dim my past is..... You saved me from the darkness i am living... without even knowing it... So I can't......"

Jungwon decided to look at her.

he just want to protect her. He don't want yeri to be involved on his troubles.

But the moment he looked back, 

he saw nothing.


"Don't touch me!!!"
Dozen of men surrounded her, Pushing her on the ground. Dong In and Kyungshik took her away from Jungwon successfully

"At laaaast!!"
Kyungshik said, aggresively ripping Yeri's clothes apart.

Yeri struggled, her eyes were covered in fear with their malicious eyes staring at her.

"It's payback time hunny...."



Kyungshik slapped her hard. the corner of her lips started to bleed.


He shouted and licked his lips.. Yeri's undergarments were now shown as her shirt is already torn apart, Kyungshik travelled his hands on his skirt.

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