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"We'll counter everything they do. They'll lose a finger, a knee and up until they lose their head. We have the game changer. "


1:36 am

MNE Telecom's Main Building.

"They are... dead now?"
His eyes were definitely not amused about what he just heard.

He looked at the chessboard on his table.. seing the black horse with the checkmate on the white king of the opposing team.

"We also do not know what happened. The surveillance camera were down the moment they entered inside the building. It's the ability of Hanbin."

He yelled with slight annoyance. 

"We are now investigating as to how Ms. Saekjeom and Mr. Yogshim were executed despite knowing who will enter and exit the room. We conclude that there's another unknown entity inside the room the moment they died. With Shim Jake's ability they should teleport someone there. "

"Isn't that Kim Sunoo? "

"No youngmaster. There's no sign that Kim Sunoo arrived on the room. "

"An irregularity on the system."
He whispered to himself, taking a red queen piece from his drawer and putting it on the center of the chess board.

"They won't make a move right now... They'll analyze what they should do next. It's our time to gain information from the inside, and destroy that unknown anomaly."
he said, putting his pawn in front of the red queen.

"My plan will succeed no matter what."


8:43 am

"You okay now, Hyung?"
Jungwon appeared from the door of Heeseung's room as soon as he heard heeseung woke up already.

The other guy chuckled. Everyone was inside his room, watching him recover.

"Is your arms okay now?"
Sunoo asked him while looking at his hands who were covered by bandages.

"Thanks to Dr.Kim, I can move them now. But it will still take a few days to recover."
Heeseung answered, looking at his arms. Dr. Kim Seokjin was the resident doctor of the League. One of the seven executives inside the company, his sixth sense enables the natural recovery and regeneration of human bodies to excel up to 20x faster than the normal. Because of that, It was possible to fix Heeseung's fractured bones with quick operation.

"Did we acquired the information we need?"
Heeseung asked them. K walked towards him.

"The information we got from the deal was a hoax. But with Niki's ability, we saw some glimpse of where did it came from."
heeseung nodded. K seems to say something more. Heeseung arched his eyebrows.

"What is it?"

"I.... I apologize to what i did yesterday. you see, i don't really-"

"You don't need to apologize Hyung. We know it's not you."
K sighed then smiled slightly.

"If you say so."

"So what should we do now?"
Jay asked everyone.

"We should capitalize this moment."
Heeseung smirked. everyone's attention went towards him again.

"They do not know what Jungwon can do. Jungwon;s existence changed the whole scenario."
Everyone nodded, seeing what happened yesterday, It seems like the enemy has their data except for Jungwon.

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