c h a p t e r t w e n t y s e v e n

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"Deception..... is the greatest act of pain a human can do."


"What should we do now?"

Sunghoon held the conference meeting for the remaining League members.

Niki, Sunoo, Jungwon, Daniel and him. K is hidden on a private room located on the League's bottom floors. 

"Stay on your guards. Prepare for an assault."
Sunghoon told them, leaning both of his hands on the table and resting his chin on them.

"You know we can't fight them like this... we are already short with human resources. I highly doubt we, with only five of us can win this, hyung."
Sunoo optimistically said. Sunghoon looked at him.

"Who said 'we' will win this?"
Sunghoon sarcastically smiled at Sunoo who frowned.

"You're crazy."
Sunoo stood up on his seat, preparing to leave

 but then he halted for a stop on his position with Jungwon holding his wrist.

The next thing they knew, 

The glass wall of the conference room shattered with the rain of bullets.

The sounds of bullets getting fired, shattering glasses and explosions were all around the conference room. 

They started the assault.

"Isn't this kinda nostalgic?"
Niki said crawling on the floor towards the exit.

"Niki and Daniel, rush towards the top floor and secure the fields. Take K-hyung with you Jungwon, I'm sure he'll wake up now. I'll neutralize the ground floor."
Sunghoon commanded. Sunoo looked at him.

"What should i do hyung?"

"wake her up. you know who it is."
Sunghoon said as he ran towards the staircase. They seperated ways. Jungwon rushed towards the elevator while the other two went to the roof while Sunoo rushed towards the detention room.


Sunghoon looked at the number of enemies who crowded the entrance of the league's building. They are commanded by someone on the front. 

"It's been so long, Sunghoon."
Jake smirked at him and snapped his fingers. The troops on his back aimed their guns towards Sunghoon

They fired simultaneously towards the young man. Sunghoon swayed his hand upward, creating a huge wall that separated the two sides of the entrance.

"I know you'll do that."
Jake appeared on his back, Stabbing him on his chest. The nitrogen near them compressed to where the blade landed, fending off jake's attack. Sunghoon tried to kick him but he disappeared again.

"tss.. how annoying."

The Ice wall exploded after a large electricity discharge was inserted.

"Please don't forget about me."
Jay ran towards Sunghoon.

Lightning speed.

Without Sunghoon knowing, Jay and Jake is already near him, pointing their blades on his body.

Sunghoon stomped his right foot. The air surrounding him exploded with the amount of temperature drop suddenly. Jay and Jake were pushed back. The both of them hit their back on the wall. They groaned in pain

"Time for me to play my part."
He smirked at them devilishly, His eyes shining with purple color. He targeted the troops on the entrance, Swiping both of his arms on the air. The nitrogen surrounding him compressed and turned into blades rushing towards them, cutting anything it passes through.

Sunghoon rushed towards Jake's position. 

"I'll avenge Taki. No personal, This is only a job."
he smiled at him and shove an Iceberg that was formed from thin air to Jake. Jake smiled back, changing position with Jay.

"You're too confident, Iceboy."
Jay said and clapped his hands infront of Sunghoon. A sudden explosion of light stunned him.


A less lethal device that was used to disorient's enemy's senses. It uses static discharge to create a blinding light of about 7 megacandela and an intense loud bang of greater than 170 decibels that would last for a matter of time.

Sunghoon jumped backwards, not knowing where he landed. jake teleported on his back, hitting his nape with his elbow. Sunghoon gasped of air.

"Take this Ice boy.."
Jay charged towards him, groping his neck and giving him high voltage electricity throughout his body.

"That... tickles."
Sunghoon said, coughing out blood as he touched Jay's hand using his right arm and started to freeze him. Jay let go of him and jumped backwards. Jake tried to pierce his blade again to Sunghoon, the latter compressed the ice all through out his body since he cannot see anything.

The electric discharge was negated after Sunghoon froze himself. because of this, his body turned into an insulator instead of a conductor, giving much more resistance to electricity.

"That flashbang shocked me alot."
Sunghoon started to regain his vision. Everything is still white but at least he now can see their silhouettes.  Jay didn't wasted any time and fired his railguns towards Sunghoon.

"Now I'm pissed."
Sunghoon ran through the coins like they were nothing. before they can even hit him, They were parried by countless Ice blocks appearimg from the thin air.

"Nice One sunghoon-ah.."
Jay said on his face the moment he got closer. Jake switched on his position and kicked Sunghoon's stomach. He then teleported on his back and kicked him again. Jay took his collar and electrocute him again. Sunghoon gritted his teeth and creating a frost explosion on his surrounding again to make them back away. 

He coughed out blood and glared at Jay and Jake. he's slowly losing energy to stand up.  He can still last for a couple of minutes at the very least. Jake's teleportation is a huge pain in the ass. With his Seventh Sense, he can now switch position to anyone or anything he thought.  Jay on the other hand is to skilled when it comes to long range combats. He also have so many skill sets on his field making him much more powerful than ever.

Sunghoon's breathing hitched, he collapsed on his knees. 

'Why now?'
He said catching his breath. After being encased with Ice, His body deteriorated slowly, giving him lesser resistance to his ability. Now the ice is eating his heart. The more he use his power, His body is starting to freeze too..

"Looks like you need my help."

he look at his side, seeing a black umbrella and a woman on her black dress.

Ana Welcraft.

"I woke her up just like what you told me, Sunghoon-hyung."
Sunoo said from his back, walking towards the staircase again to proceed on his next objective.

"Take Sunoo!!"
Jake teleported towards Sunoo's direction carelessly.

Sunghoon smirked. A booby trap made of Ice was there. The trap slowly freeze him, rooting him on the ground.

He ran towards Jake, wearing his infamous devilish smirk.


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