c h a p t e r t w e n t y t h r e e

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"So.... everyone's gone? already?"


It was raining. 

The sky is grieving with them. they held their umbrellas up while they are looking down,  staring at the tomb on the ground.

Sunoo can't help it but to cry. ni ki wasn't talking near him, shedding his tear silently, blaming himself because of what happened.

"Let's go?"
K wiped the tears on his eyes as he spoke. 

K, Sunoo, Niki, Daniel, Jay and Jake were on the Flower Arboretum at the back of the League's Building. inside the flower arboretum are the tombstones of their fallen friends and allies.

It was the first they made this ceremony. 

They never found Geonu and Taki's body. Sunghoon was still unconscious. no one knows when he will wake up. they don't want to give up on him. At least not him.

Heeseung gone missing. It's been 3 days when he was last spotted. No one knows where he is and what is his condition. K's clone on heeseung's shadow suddenly faded so he cannot find any trace of him other than his last location, which is the Shrine.

"we should go now..."
K told them again. Everyone was silent. he turned his back towards the exit of the arboretum, slowly walking out from the scene.

Butterflies.. they are so beautiful. He cannot help it but to adore them. Hanbin really love butterflies and K knows that very well. He was Hanbin's partner. They are always together, The main surveillance team of the League. he cannot help it but to feel weak again, realizing his partner in crime faded so suddenly.

His knees collapsed, He knelt on the wet ground. He dropped his umbrella as he looked down, feeling the intense rain touch his skin, like a cold body hugging him.

K mumbled, The rain hiding his warm tears...

Ni-ki walked towards him. K's vision began to blur... His breathing started to hitch as his body fell on the ground, unconscious.



"What happened to him...? doc?"

"he passed out. because of exhaustion and stress, Did he ate something yesterday?"

"no... He skipped meals for 2 days already.."
Ni-ki looked down..Seeing K on the hospital bed near Jungwon's.

"He'll be alright. don't worry. Rest now kids. "
Doctor Jinwoo tapped their shoulders before leaving.

everyone was silent until the door was closed.

"so.... what should we do now?"
Daniel asked his Hyungs... no one answered... Jake and Jay remain silent, sitting on the benches beside Jungwon.

"heeseung-hyung is missing. Sunghoon-hyung is in coma. K-hyung and Jungwon-hyung are unconscious..."
Daniel tried his best not to shed a tear again, biting his lips to suppress his emotions.

"I don't wanna do this anymore...."
Niki looked at Sunoo and walked towards him.

"Yah... stop it-"
Sunoo flinched as niki tried to touch him. He pushed him away.

"Why??!! The League is already falling apart!! Our members are slowly dying one by one!! I don't want to die!! At least not now okay??!!"

"Are you really serious about what you are saying??!"
Ni-ki yelled at Sunoo. Sunoo looked at him with coldness.

"Do you really want to put their sacrifices in vain?? You wanna quit? You wanna waste Hanbin-hyung's life? don't be so selfish Sunoo!! Not because we are falling apart like this, You'll surrender and runaway."

"We are a family here..? right?"
Ni-ki bit his lips to suppress his anger. Sunoo looked down, walking towards the door and running away.


Jay and Jake looked down, smiling feverishly


"Taki..... Geonu....."
Heeseung kept himself awake while they drag his weakened body to their laboratory.. They are passing countless cell rooms and Heeseung is trying to find Taki and Geonu.

He yelled weakly seeing a figure of a man on the ground.

That necklace.

The necklace it is wearing was similar to Geonu's...

He tried to shout, His voice started to become much more hoarse than before. Tho it was not that loud, it was audible enough for the man to hear.


Geonu tried his best to open his eyes and look at Heeseung. Heeseung tried to protest and crawl towards Geonu.

"You're alive...!!"

Geonu can't utter any word other than his name.

before he even knew it, His vision started to twirl around, feeling the sleeping pill that they injected on his neck, Heeseung slowly passed out.


"Isn't this the right timing to obliterate them ?"
Yuri said, holding her wine glass as she stare on the man in front of her.

"Please wait for some more time. Heeseung is still in development."

"How long?"


Yuri chuckled at Jonghyuk.

"You'll use Saekjeom's blood on him?"

"Yeah. it's already tested. he'll be our puppet without Kim Sunoo's help. We just need some more time for him tp develop. our greatest weapon."
Yoo Jonghyuk raised his glass. Yuri nodded and raised her glass too.

"Tomorrow will be their end. At last.."


The Ice is finally breaking.

The large cracks no one saw started to break, sunghoon's lips curved...

The sounds of shattering ice erupted on the whole laboratory. No one was inside other than him.

he took his first step towards the door. His eyes glowing purple. His breath creates mist with the coldness. wherever he walks, the ground turns into ice.

They never thought he'll wake up this soon.

His target?

Ofcourse, It's Jake.


fufufu here's the updateeeee~ The book is reaching it's end earlier than i expected. T-T I'll publish the last chapter this friday. ksksks so two more chapters i guess?

Welp, Geonu and Taki is aliveeeee~

Is that really a good thing? kjwdvcwxhdvc :>

(Please donate some stars for eishi. pleaseuuuu??)

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