c h a p t e r f i f t e e n

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"Security Breach! Security Breach!"


1:06 am

The League's Building, Information Room.

The Door automatically slides open after confirming the one who tried to enter the room from the biometric scanners.

"Okay so... what do we have here.."
He whispered and pulled out a flashdrive from the pocket of his gray sweater and sat on the swivel chair in front on the main computer.

"I see~"
he smirked after typing on the keyboard, successfully entering the main system where every information about the League can be seen. He searched for the information they have about the 7SS-624 or the serum Sunghoon took from Russia.

He chuckled, Copying every information from the League's Server and pasting it on his flashdrive, Then deleting all of the content from the main server.

He said to himself after a mission accomplish, standing up from the swivel chair only to see someone on his back, pointing his gun towards him.

"This is the League's private room. No one must invade it without permission from the chairman."
The man holding the gun said. He smiled at him.

"You know i work here too right?"
he said, raising his hand while holding a coin.

"Yes sir but-"

"Do i look like a traitor for you?"
He clasped his hands, his eyes turning into scarlet.

"No Sir but-"

"Then please put that gun down and let me leave."

"I'm very sorry sir but i should report this to the chairman befo-"
He put the coin in front of his thumb and shoot it like a bullet. The coin travelled very quick. It hit the man's forehead and penetrated inside his brain causing his death. The man's body collapsed on the ground as blood started to stream from his forehead.

"I don't really want to kill you but i guess i don't have a choice. How lame."
He told the corpse, walking towards the wall where his coin was stucked.

a linear motor device, typically designed as a weapon, that uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity projectiles. The projectile normally does not contain explosives, instead relying on the projectile's high speed, mass, and kinetic energy to inflict damage.

He is a railgun.


4:32 am

"Sunghoon-ah.... wake up already."
Heeseung touched the Ice Shell where Sunghoon is. It was like a crystal. It's transparent but it's tough.

Heeseung looked at the small tube connected from a machine that dug it's way towards Sunghoon. The small tube was successfully implanted inside the Ice Shell and is supplementing Sunghoon the nutrients he needs to live. With this, His breathing was identified as stabilized meaning that he's still alive. Tho still unconscious, It put more hope for the boys to think that Sunghoon is still alive.

However, The only moment they can say that he has a chance to wake up is the moment when the ice shell is already broken. That moment was still far away from reality.

"There's only 73% success rate with this experiment. do you wish to continue?"
The League's doctor Sung Jin-woo arrived on the laboratory while pushing a tray of medical kits. Unfortunately, Kim Seokjin flew with his team towards the American Base of the League to deal with their mission.

Heeseung said, Walking towards the medical chair and strapping himself on it so that he will be restricted to move once the experiment started. Dr. Jinwoo helped him with the restriction by placing a metal gloves on Heeseung's hands so that he won't clasp it the moment everything go out of hand. It was heavy and restricted his fingers to move even for an inch.

"You ready?"
Dr. Jinwoo asked him. he was the first one to ask for a schedule like what Chairman Bang said. Taking the initiatives and being the lab rat to try the serum, Heeseung gulped with both excitement and nervousness.

Heeseung nodded with Dr. Jinwoo's question.

"We don't know if this will sting so be ready for the side effects."
Jin-woo took out the syringe and filled it with the serum.

"I'm ready."
Heeseung gulped and glanced at Sunghoon once again. Dr Jinwoo put a strap on his shoulder that will check his blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. then putting some kind of wires on his head and taping them on his temple. The wires were connected on a monitor that shows a picture of Heeseung's brain. You can literally see bright red dots all over his brain. It's the Sixth sense cells.

With the finished preperation, Jin-woo sighed.

"Okay. This is it."
Jin-woo injected the syringe on Heeseung's wrist. You can see the purple serum started to travel on his vein slowly. Heeseung's flinched a little, arching his back as he felt the strange feeling.

Heeseung groaned the moment the liquid touched his flesh. It's hot. It felt like it's burning him from the inside. Like he was lit from the inside with a fire that can't be extinguished.

"Oh fvck..."
He gasped as he felt more liquid penetrating his body. He bit his lower lip to suppress himself from making a sound as the serum traveled all through out his body. He just closed his eyes and feel the liquid slowly moving upwards towards his brain.

Heeseung suddenly opened his eyes, It felt like a migraine but 20x stronger. Thank god he was strapped on the medical chair and was restrained to move or else he already harmed himself because of the pain on his head.

*toot! toot! toot!*

The monitor showed the irregularity on Heeseung's brain after the serum has taken over him. Sung Jinwoo's eyes went bigger by bigger as seconds pass by.

The dormant Sixth Sense cells started to reproduce itself. You can see how the small portion of red dots on Heeseung's brain slowly grew bigger and bigger.

Heeseung yelled in pain, As tears slowly streamed down on his eyes. It was too painful. His emotion was mixed with agony, misery and excitement.

The monitor showing his Heart rate, respiration and blood pressure skyrocketed into it's maximum. Sung Jinwoo wants to stop the experiment at once but was taken back on the phenomenon that happened to Heeseung.

His eye color...

His Iris was turning from black to scarlet

to green

to purple.

Heeseung saw abnormal images on his vision. The images appear and disappear in a flash. It;s his memories. Dark, Malevolent and Hostile memories. It kept repeating on his brain like a loop.

That's what Heeseung see. But for Sung Jinwoo, It was an aesthetic scene. His Iris shifted from 4 different color until Heeseung passed out.

His breathing slowly grew stable, circulation and blood pressure that skyrocketed earlier were now cleared.

It was a success.

Even though Heeseung passed out, The stabilized rates on his body tells him that he is okay now.

Sung Jinwoo sighed, He needs to distribute the 7SS-624 all through out the league's members.

It was a rebirth of a more powerful chaos.

With a more powerful opponent, The birth of the new League was born.

More Blood

More Pleasure.


tsk tsk tsk updateeeeee Did i updated this yesterday? I think i didn't kskskksks

That's all for now. The traitor identity was already shown. :3 if you read this story, you will know who it is. :3

(please help eishi build his own galaxy. star juseyoooo)

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