c h a p t e r t w e n t y f o u r

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"Control, Manipulate, Overtake."



The sound of his father's voice echoed on the whole laboratory. Heeseung looked at him, a blank expression plastered on his face.

"You... look good..."
Jonghyuk let out a warm smile towards his son.

Heeseung stared on him


Is he?

"I can't remember anything. where's Mom? Dad? And why are we here..?"
Heeseung looked around, seeing that he is sitting on a surgical chair.

The blood was successfully implanted on him. It was a mind alteration serum made from Saekjeom's blood. With it, They manipulated Heeseung's memory making him believe who he was 7 years ago.

"Son... you see..."
Yoo Jonghyuk faked a sad face and tapped Heeseung's shoulder.

"Your mom is already gone..."

heeseung was shocked, as if he didn't know anything.

"W-Wae..? What happened? Is this a joke dad? It's not funny at all... Mom... I need mom..."
Heeseung murmured, looking down as tears flowed from his eyes.

"I'm sorry son.... your dad can't save her...."
he embraced Heeseung so that he won't see his smug smile.

"But i know you can avenge her death."

heeseung broke the embrace and looked at him. Yoo Jonghyuk nodded his head.

"we'll be attacking them tomorrow. I want you to avenge your mother.. Kill them all using your power..."
Yoo Jonghyuk asked him, successfully implanting the plan on his brain.

"Tell me what i can do... Dad... I'll give Mom the justice she deserve... I'll avenge her.... I'll kill everyone who killed her."

"Good Job son.... let's avenge your mom together."

Yoo Jonghyuk can't keep a straight face so he just hugged his sobbing son.

'the plan is all set. Tomorrow will be the League's demise.'


Jungwon slowly opened his eyes.

'where am i?'

he raised from his bed as soon as he realized something. Jay and Jake flinched. Daniel woke up.

"Where is Jiwon??!!"
He asked them. Daniel smiled weakly.

"She's safe.... Inside the room above us."
daniel pointed the ceiling. Jungwon sighed.

"Thank god she's safe..."
he sighed in relief.

"Why is everyone look so gloomy today? Something happened..?"

everyone looked down.

'don't tell him... no.'

"Ahh... aniyoo... "
jake scratched his nape with a wide smile. Jungwon was weirded out. He then looked at the bed beside him, Seeing K sleeping peacefully.


"He collapsed earlier maybe because of exhaustion. he's been working hard... for everyone."

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