c h a p t e r s i x t e e n

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"I'd tell you to go to hell but I don't wanna see you there. "


"This is it?"
Yoo Jonghyuk looked at the flashdrive on his hand.

"Yeah. The information you need. You can use my blood as a prototype to make the seventh sense serum too. With that, you can make your own Seventh Sense."
He walked towards the door, slightly waving his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home for fvck's sake because i want to sleep already. You have something to say about that?"
With his other free hand, he took a coin on his pocket and aimed it towards Yoo Jonghyuk.


Like what he did to the security employee, the coin traveled with the speed of light towards Yoo Jonghyuk.  Yoo Jonghyuk just blinked. The coin stopped moving as it almost hit his forehead.

"Tss. I'll get going."
The guy hissed and walked towards the door and left the room.

Yoo Jonghyuk was dumbfounded, feeling blood started to ooze from his cheeks.

So this is the power of the Seventh Sense?

He turned his head around seeing the huge glass wall cracking with just a single small hole.
there's two coins that was thrown towards his direction without him knowing. They are so fast that his eyes cannot even catch up.

He knew, The guy was just playing with him. He already have the best chance to kill him but he refused.

That only means he still need something from Yoo Jonghyuk.


Heeseung gently opened his eyes feeling a bit of nausea banging on his head.

"What happened?"
He whispered to himself as he wandered his eyes around.

He is inside his room on the League's Building.

'Someone transported me here?'

He tried to stand up but his legs suddenly went weak and he collapsed on the velvet carpet immediately.

"What the hell..."
He cursed and took a deep breath.

Reminiscing what just happened, his memories flashed on his vision once again.

he looked at his hands, clasping it tight.

His right Iris turned into purple. The left one turned scarlet without him even knowing. Heb felt strong power from within him. Much stronger than the sixth sense. He want to try and test it.

With his remaining strength, He forced himself to stand up and walk towards the door slowly. 

The door slid open and he walked outside, finally regaining the energy to walk properly, he walked straightly towards the elevator seeing two men riding it.

"5th floor please."
Heeseung whispered to the man near the buttons. the man pressed the buttons for him.

He looked on the elevator wall to see the reflections of the men inside.

Are they the residents? Why are they on this floor?

You see, The League's building uses it's first three floors as a condominium complex to hide it's real office. The remaining floors were used as the true league's headquarters. No one was questioning it because the league's building was registered as a five star condominium complex with rich residents.

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