c h a p t e r t w e n t y t w o

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"Nothing great was ever accomplished without making sacrifices..."


"Where are they?"
Heeseung glared at his father, seeing the laboratory's door sliding open.

"They are on a seperate room... near yours."
Yoo Jonghyuk smugly grinned at his son. Heeseung scowled.

"Free them already!! Don't involve them on my mess anymore!!"
He yelled with anger.

Yoo Jonghyuk just shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe after we conduct experiments on them? If they are still alive!"
Jonghyuk laughed causing heeseung to grit his teeth with anger.

"You asshole!!!!"
Heeseung rushed towards the glass wall and slammed the gauntlet on his hands on it. The wall didn't even created a loud thud. It just pushed Heeseung back on his position like an elastic rubber band.

"calm down Heeseung. The test is starting."

Sparks started to appear inside of his chamber. 

Heeseung looked at his father with despise. The electric current hit him making him shout in agony.

he was being electrocuted to death and his father is just watching him like he's a lab rat.

Isn't that sweet?


"Bon Appetit.."

Harsh gust of winds started to blow from nowhere. A strange smoke appeared from Daniel's shadow... It made the creepiest sounds ever. it's eyes were dark purple and so as Daniel. It's a terrifying figure hidden from the young man's shadow.

K took the unconscious body of Jungwon and ran away from daniel. They knew what will happen if that monster saw them. It devour anything on it's path. No matter who you are, An Ally or an Enemy.

"Is it okay to leave daniel behind? There's so many of them!!"
Hanbin said, holding Jiwon on his back.

"He can handle his self."
K said, entering the deeper part of the jungle where they headed. The road to the private shelter was like a forest highway. it's too secluded making the private shelter hard to locate. They wonder how did they know the exact location of the shelter if it's highly confidential.

"Hanbin! Contact chairman. Tell him we're in a trouble!!request for help at once!"
K commanded Hanbin. Hanbin nodded, taking out the phone from his pocket and contacting chairman bang.

The phone rang, but no one answered. Hanbin repeated, trying to find chairman but it was a fruitless endeavor.

"he's not picking it up!!"

"curse that old man!!"
K hissed.

"where do you think you are going??!!!!"
A loud feminine voice erupted from above. 

They stopped on their position seeing the woman following them.

"who the hell are you?"
Niki guarded his self with is two knife. Sunoo took his pistol from his pocket out and pointed it to Yuri.

"What do you want?"
Hanbin asked, Putting little Jiwon down. K used his clones to protect both Jiwon and Jungwon while Jungwon is still unconscious.

Yuri chuckled.

"How about we play a little?"

yuri teleported in front of Hanbin and smiled at him, Kicking his chin in an instant.

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