c h a p t e r n i n e t e e n

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"The 1st Commandment: Honour thy father and thy mother."


"Jay-hyung! Atlast i found-"
Sunoo stopped, seeing blood splattered all over Jake and Jay as they help each other to stand up. They just teleported to the HQ with Jake's last strenght before collapsing on the ground

Jay shouted. Sunoo immediately rushed towards Jay and helped him bring the unconscious 'ally' to the clinic.

Sunoo was confused about what happened. Jake was severyly injured. Jay has blood all over him and you can see the trauma on his face.

K and Hanbin rushed towards Sunoo to help them carry Jake.

"Someone attacked us!! They got Taki!!"

Everyone froze on their position the moment Jay yelled that words.


Heeseung, who is infuriated grabbed Jay's collar and pulled him upwards against the wall.

"We can't fight them!! They are too powerful! they assaulted us and took Taki away! Its not our fault okay??!! we almost died there too!!"
jay said glaring at Heeseung's eyes. They exchanged infuriated glances before speaking up again.


"we don't know. They also use Seventh Senses and we believe they are from Ana Welcroft's  place. They outnumbered us."

"Why didn't Jake teleported the three of you quickly?"

"They caught us off-guards and they know Jake's weakness. Someone played an illusion on his head stopping him from teleporting. Taki helped him to get out of the illusion but he was taken away as an exchange. we don't know where he is now."

Jay explained. Dead silence enveloped the whole room after that. Everyone is thinking about what should they do.

Suddenly, Heeseung's phone rang. He took his phone out from his pocket and looked at the screen.

An unknown number is calling. Heeseung looked at everyone sending them a signal. 

Heeseung started the phone call. He receive nothing but silence from the other side of the line.

"Hello? Answer me for pete's sake."
Heeseung said, slightly annoyed.

"Are you enjoying the show?"
A rather monotonous voice spoke up  from the other side.

Heeseung froze the moment he heard that voice.

He felt like his memories suddenly refreshed.

"Why did you call me?"
His tone suddenly went serious and cold. Everyone on the room  looked at him curiously dying to know who he is talking to.

"If you want my help, Meet me at the Wooshin Shrine later at 10."

"I don't need you and your fvcking help. swallow that pride of yours and be gone. forever."
With total resentment, Heeseung said those thing to the guy on the other line.

"HAHA.. What if it's for your friends? You know Lee Geonu? Park Sunghoon?"

"Perhaps... Taki?"
Heeseung's eyes went wide as he grit his teeth with anger.

"What the hell did you do to them??!!"
he yelled. The ground beneath him shook as his eyes glowed bright purple.

"Meet me at the Wooshin Shrine later if you want answers."

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