c h a p t e r f o u r

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"The treachery of a demon is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel."


The conference meeting ended with Jungwon joining the league for his sister's protection.

"I'll walk you to Yeri's grave."
Heeseung told him. Jungwon nodded silently and followed him. The other boys already left, after they received their own missions. Probably it's only for Hanbin, Niki, K and Jake for now. The others just came back to their rooms. 

Jungwon called him. Heeseung looked at him and raised his eyebrows.


"You told me about this Sixth Sense right?"

"yeah? what's with it?"

"What's your sixth sense?"
Jungwon asked him. 

"It's kinda weird tho..."
Heesung chuckled. They finally arrived on the elevator. The both of them hopped inside, Heeseung pressed the ground floor.

"So what is it?"

"You'll see it on our raid. We're almost near her."

Jungwon said. After a minute, they finally arrived on the ground floor, proceeding on the back of the building.

Jungwon was shook by the flower arboretum on the back of the building. It's like an enchanted forest. The glass walls and roofs were acting as it's greenhouse.. countless flowers and plants are presented. There's butterflies too. The whole garden is aesthetic and magical. 

"Take it."
Heeseung took a white rose from one of the hanging flowers and gave it to Jungwon. He pointed a wall with name plates on it.

"Kang Yeri..."
Jungwon whispered her name looking at her grave. he put the white rose on her grave and silently bid his prayers.

While praying, he cannot avoid being emotional and fell on his knees and silently cried for his bestfriend

"I hope you are happy there now..... I'm sorry because i failed to protect you... I'm really sorry..."
He bowed and solemnly put his head on the floor with his hands on his forehead.

After a couple of minutes, He walked towards Heeseung and smiled bitterly.

"So..... where should we go?"


"This is the training room..."

The both of them traveled through out the whole building. The building was indeed large and spacious. There are 13 floors in total. There's also many workers from the League. They are intels, scientists and doctors working for the League. The guild only has 35 Sixth Sense User but has over a hundred underlings and almost 90 professional workers.

"What is that?"
Jungwon saw a pitch black monster inside the Training room through the glass wall. 

"Probably Daniel."
Heeseung chuckled

Jungwon asked, reminiscing the tall kid earlier.

"Yeah.. like you he still cannot control his Sixth Sense too.... He is i think the most destructible here but his Sixth Sense always go berserk whenever it was freed so "
Heeseung stopped and looked at him.

"What's your Sixth sense by the way? Chairman didn't said it earlier so I'm still curious."
Heeseung asked curiously.

Jungwon tried to remember his Sixth sense..

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