c h a p t e r t e n

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"Once the lust takes over you, You can never get enough of it anymore."

*explicit content ahead. you have been warned.*


K, Heeseung, Sunghoon, Jay and Hanbin walked pass the guards with ease. They are currently inside a luxurious club located in Seoul where they will meet someone that might or might not help them on their mission. It's a hit or miss. either they will take him as an asset or he is actually a trap.

But they are ready with any result. they have planned everything. The others were on Hanbin's room, Watching them thru the cameras after Hanbin infiltrated the surveillance system of the whole club. They cannot enter the club as they are still underage but they are acting as the seers in replace of Hanbin's position. Jay and Sunghoon were still underage tho but with Hanbin's perfect falsification of their i.d, and since they even look matured now, They successfully invaded the place. Hanbin's technokinetic ability is much more broader than manipulating monitors. He is one of the most useful member of the League besides the teleportation.

(Meanwhile, someone named shim jake is weeping on the side of Hanbin's room after hanbin said his height doesn't look like an adult and they might get caught if he joined them. )

"VIP Room."
Heeseung gave the bouncer the invitation card he has. The card has a number 6 on it, identifying the VIP room they will enter. The bouncer removed the red ribbons on the stairs and guided the five of them upstairs.

They arrived in front of the room no.6, A sexy woman holding a bottle of champagne walked towards their direction. She's definitely stunning.. everyone looked at her and refused to look away. She smiled seductively. You can clearly see Jay and Hanbin gulped with the sudden tension

"I must assume you are Mr. Yogshim's visitors..."
She bowed politely before introducing herself.

"I am Yoon Saekjeom. It is nice meeting you gentlemen."

She bowed, glancing towards K and smiling at him mischievously. K exchanged with his piercing gaze with his blank expression.

Yoon Saekjeom chuckled slightly.

"shall we go inside?"

She said. Heeseung nodded and let her open the door. They walked inside, Seeing the man named Byun Yogshim sitting on the sofa comfortably.

"My dear customers! Welcome!"
Byun Yogshim stood up and shook their hands while greeting them. They greeted back, shaking his hands.

"Do you want to have a drink?"

He stated, pointing the wine glasses on the table. The five of them sat on the sofa in front of Byun Yogshim's, Saekjeom reached for the glass.

"So how's your day? Is it fine? Is something bothering you--"

"let's cut the chase can we? We aren't here to waste our time."

Sunghoon's tone was curt, he didn't even bother to look at him.

Yogshim went silent, Unable to reply to what Sunghoon said, he look down to the glasses of champagne and took his glass.

"five million."

Heeseung started, Yogshim looked at him.

"If we are talking about Won here, isn't that quite cheap for what you need?"
Yogshim, This time chuckled confidently.

"five million dollars. No, make it ten."
Heeseung added. Yogshim choked on the champagne he is drinking.

"Give us the information, you can have the ten million."

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