c h a p t e r t w e n t y f i v e

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"The darkest pasts were the prettiest memories."


It was raining so hard.

A young boy was standing in front of a huge black gate. Soaking wet, he stood there unbothered by the rain.



His mind was clustered with agony.


His parents just died yesterday. A relative of them set them up and killed them with an explosion while they are out of town leaving Jake alone.

Young Jake stood in front of their mansion that was stolen by his uncle. They took all of his inheritance, His money, His treasureand His properties. They decieved him into thinking he still have a family consisted of his remaining relatives.

He was wrong.

they exiled him from the family.

Now no one knows about the Youngmaster of the Shim Bloodline. He was treated dead like his parents. No one can recall who he was now that he doesn't have anything anymore.

It was the true nature of humans.

We only love someone when we need them.

Then we'll throw them away after we used them.

Young Jake wandered the streets of Seoul, staring at the void as he fight to survive. He never trusted anyone after that.The trauma already covered his brain. He don't want to get betrayed anymore and as a natural defense system, he stayed away from anyone.

Up until she came.

"Here. Have this."

He never knew what hope means up until he saw her. 

Giving the bread she is holding while smiling at him warmly.

He felt warmth... It felt like it was the first time someone tried to save him.

"You okay?"
She asked nonchalantly. Jake realized.

'She's only here because she'll use me right?'
He asked himself, running away from her.

Then everyday, She goes back to the location just to give Jake food. The young jake was confused and scared like a baby lion seeing a predator helping him. He ran away again and again.

That goes on until Jake decided to confront her.

"Why do you want to help me?!! Leave me alone!!!!"
He said, enveloped with anger of liars and betrayals.

Yuri looked at him, slightly confused.

"I just want to help you....? Is there any reason why should i? Do i need to have some before i can help you?"
Yuri told him, giving the bread she is holding. Jake took it, slammed it on the ground and stomped on the bread.

"I don't need you! Stop bothering me!! Don't come here anymore!!"
He yelled at her then ran away again.

Yuri sighed.

The next day, Jake was seen on the location again.

"You're here again?"
He said, slightly pissed with Yuri's appearance. Yuri nodded her head excitedly while holding a luggage.

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