c h a p t e r t w e n t y

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"Carry the next mission. I trust you with this."
Yuri said, earning a nod from Jonghyuk's allies.

"So our target is the kid only?"
Kim Hada asked as she walked towards Yuri's table.

"No. We'll use the kid as a mouse trap. Your target is Yang Jungwon. "
Yuri looked at her, rotating her seat to the glass wall as she watch the moon on her back.

"The five of you is enough to accomplish the mission right?"

Kim Hada, Lee Daesig, Jeon Jabshim, Nam Tae-na and Byun Gyeogno just smiled at her and nodded in chorus.

"We'll get revenge for our fallen friends."
Tae-na said, holding her machetes and swinging them on the air like a psychopath imagining Jungwon's death on her own hands.

They are remaining members of the seven sins from the Round Tables. With Yuri and Jonghyuk's alliance, they are now under her commands too.

With revenge as their inspiration, They are preying with the young Jiwon tonight.

Jungwon suddenly felt a strong goosebumps out of nowhere. He's waiting inside Jake's room with the others, anxiously sighing thinking about Heeseung's state.

Jungwon stood up from his seat. he sighed and looked at K.

"Can i... come outside too? I need fresh air."
he looked at K. K snapped his fingers, a clone of him was extracted on Jungwon's shadows.

"Tell us if you need something."

Jungwon nodded, pacing towards the exit.

He walked towards the elevator and rushed to the ground floor.

he suddenly felt anxious, he kept thinking about his sister.






He spelled her name on his head, his eyes slowly turning into purple.

With this new ability of him, he can see someone's future  if he focus on them. The time limit was now 20 seconds ahead of time.

He saw Jiwon's sleeping figure on the shelter. He sighed and walked towards the parking lot, still activating his Seventh Sense to keep an eye on her. He ride his motorcycle and drove to Jiwon's location.

After 15 minutes, he arrived on the League's private shelter. Jungwon entered seeing countless guards patrolling the villa.

'There's really no point of worrying huh?'

he arrived on Jiwon's unit. walking towards the door with a sigh of relief.

But then, before he can even push the doorknob, he froze on his position as his ability kicked in.


'revenge taken.'

'rest in hell Yang Jungwon.'-

Jungwon immediately opened the door and ran inside.


With the predicted future, Jungwon safely moved inside Jiwon's unit.

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